H-GAC Seeks Information on Conservation Projects in the Region
As part of our Regional Conservation Initiative, H-GAC will actively assist with preparing grant applications, convening stakeholders, and otherwise supporting the implementation of priority conservation projects across the 13-county H-GAC region. To guide our efforts, we are collecting information about planned conservation projects from local governments and non-governmental organizations and categorizing the projects in a priority list.
There is no funding associated with this project priority list, but selected projects will be eligible to receive H-GAC staff assistance.
Regional Flood Management Committee – January 18, 2023 (Hybrid)
The event is from 1:30 to 3:30 p.m. at H-GAC, second floor conference room and on Zoom.
RSVP to Justin Bower is requested, but not required, to attend in person and required to attend online.
At this meeting, participants will hear updates on current funding sources and legislative initiatives and engage with speakers about flood mitigation topics and projects in the region. Continuing education credits from Texas Floodplain Management Association (CFM) are available.
Missing Middle Housing Peer Exchange – January 19, 2023 (In-Person)
At the first peer exchange, participants shared their ideas and the challenges they’ve identified around Missing Middle Housing in the Houston-Galveston region. At this second event, attendees will hear innovative approaches to developing Missing Middle Housing and preserving affordable workforce housing from a panel of housing experts.
Presenters include:
Luis Nunez, Director, Economics and Advisory, AECOM
Jeffrey B. Goodman, AICP, Planning Policy Consultant, Granicus
Jennifer Ostlind, AICP, Deputy Director, Community and Regional Planning, City of Houston
Curtis M. Davis, R.A., Development Consultant, Houston Housing Collaborative
The City of Houston is a co-host for the peer exchange. This event is eligible for 3 CM credits from the American Planning Association.
Basin Steering Committee Meeting – January 19, 2023 (Online)
The meeting will include Fiscal Years 2024/2025 draft Work Plan and Budget.
Bringing Back Main Street Roundtable – January 24, 2023 (In-Person)
The event will be in person at the Lake Jackson Civic Center, 333 Highway 332 East, Lake Jackson. Join us to discuss strategies and tools the City of Lake Jackson is using to revitalize downtown, including public art installations and beautification projects. Registration is requested.
The Bringing Back Main Street initiative offers local communities a place to share best practices and engage in a regional dialogue about revitalizing and supporting vibrant downtown spaces. Each quarter, community leaders gather for a roundtable on topics ranging from small business support to sidewalk infrastructure.
Parks and Natural Areas Summit and Awards Ceremony – February 10, 2023 (In-Person)
Award-winning projects serve as models for planning and project implementation for parks and natural areas in the region. Projects will be honored in four categories: Planning Process, On-the-Ground Projects Over $500,000, On-the-Ground Projects Under $500,000, and Programming. Participants will also hear about trends in parks and natural areas from industry experts.
Trash Free Texas Adopt-A-Spot Webinar – February 23, 2023 (Online)
Save the date for a Trash Free Texas Adopt-A-Spot webinar from 9 to 10 a.m. Thursday, February 23, 2023.
Trash Bash – March 25, 2023 (In-Person)
Since its inception, more than 117,000 volunteers have collected over 2,400 tons of trash, 22 tons of recyclable materials, and 11,965 tires. Find out how to volunteer and promote a healthy Galveston Bay watershed at one of their many cleanup locations on March 25.
Cleanup supplies, event t-shirts, and lunch are provided to all volunteers. Trash Bash hopes you will come out and help “Clean it like you mean it !” ®
Texas Sea Grant Research Grant Pre-Proposals Due February 3, 2023
Texas Sea Grant is seeing proposals from investigators at all Texas universities; non-profit non-academic institutions; for-profit organizations; state, local and Indian tribal governments; and unaffiliated persons to support integrated research projects that improve the understanding, wise use, and stewardship of Texas' coastal and marine resources. Texas Sea Grant will host a pre-proposal webinar from 10 a.m. to noon January 12 and 13. Pre-proposals are due Friday, February 3. More information is available on Texas Sea Grant's website.
Keep Texas Beautiful Governor's Community Achievement Awards Due February 16, 2023
For more than 30 years, Keep Texas Beautiful, in partnership with the Texas Department of Transportation has awarded the prestigious Governor's Community Achievement Awards to Texas communities for their outstanding overall efforts to keep their communities beautiful. This year, 10 winning communities will share $2 million in landscaping awards from the Texas Department of Transportation, with the amount based on population size. The funds are used for landscaping projects along local rights-of-way. There is a $25 application fee. The deadline to apply is Thursday, February 16, 2023.
Becoming an Outdoors Girl Camp – February 4, 2023
The Environmental Institute of Houston is offering Becoming an Outdoors Girl, a free, one-day camp for girls in grades 6 through 12. The camp will be from 8:45 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Saturday, February 4, 2023, on the University of Houston-Clear Lake Campus. Participants can choose from different sessions, including archery, art in nature, birding, camping skills, fishing and dip-netting, geocaching, iNaturalist, mammals, plant and mushroom walk, and scavenger hunt. All activities will be outdoors. Space is limited, and registration is required. Camp organizers are also looking for volunteers. Email [email protected] for more information.
Urban Riparian Symposium – February 8-10, 2023
Registration is open the Texas Riparian Association and Texas Water Resources Institute 3-day Urban Riparian Symposium from Wednesday, February 8, to Friday, February 10, 2023, at Embassy Suites in San Marcos. The theme of this year's symposium is Down by the River: Managing for Resilient Riparian Corridors. Registration fees include networking, field trips, and presentation and poster sessions. Session topics include best management practices, riparian area management, education and outreach, ecology and biology, hydrology, lessons learned, community connections, and source water protection. Regular registration fees until January 6, 2023, are $200 and include a reception Thursday evening, one lunch and refreshments during multiple breaks. Registration fees January 7 through February 3 are $225. For more information, contact Alexander Neal at 979-314-2351.
Funding Sources
All content, including links to websites, is for informational purposes only. Users of this content are responsible for checking its accuracy, currency, and suitability.
More Information and Programs
Mapping Applications
H-GAC has a Facebook page where information about current and upcoming events is posted. Please visit and like H-GAC's page. While there, visit other H-GAC pages on Facebook, including Recycling, and Trash Bash.
Conservation Note of the Month
In addition to providing recreation opportunities, reducing flooding, and improving air and water quality, wetlands in the Houston-Galveston region provide habitat for native plants and wildlife. Infographics and posters highlighting the benefits of wetlands and forests are available online in the Regional Conservation initiative Conservation Tool.
Unless otherwise noted, all meetings scheduled at H-GAC are at 3555 Timmons Lane, Houston, Texas. In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, H-GAC will provide reasonable accommodations for persons with disabilities attending H-GAC functions. Requests should be received 72 business hours prior to the function. Contact the meeting organizer to make arrangements.
Banner Photo: Near Brazos Bend State Park during the annual Christmas Bird Count. Photo by Marcus Tantillo
Would you like us to consider featuring your municipality, program, or regional photo on the C&E Planning Update banner? Just forward your picture to Andrea Tantillo, along with some information about the subject and the photographer, and you might see it in a future month's newsletter.
Houston-Galveston Area Council