Economic Recovery Resources - Biweekly Update
The Houston-Galveston Area Council and the Gulf Coast Economic Development District issue this Economic Recovery Resources Biweekly Update to help our local partners secure the resources they need to recover from economic disruption. Subscribers to the monthly Regional Economic Development Digest will receive the update automatically.

Please email Darryl Briscoe to discuss economic recovery needs you may have.
News and Updates
American Rescue Plan Act UPDATE – Applications For Remaining Grant Programs Due Next Week 
The U.S. Economic Development Administration (EDA) is accepting applications for its American Rescue Plan Act-funded “Investing in America’s Communities” program. The final deadline for Phase 2 of the EDA’s marquee grant program, the Build Back Better Regional Challenge, is March 15. The deadline for the remaining ARPA sub-awards, including the Economic Adjustment Assistance, Indigenous Communities, and Travel, Tourism and Outdoor Recreation programs is rolling, but the EDA recommends competitive applications be submitted by March 31

Due to a high volume of applications for EDA's American Rescue Plan programs, EDA strongly recommends any entities in the area actively working on an application to email Texas’ Economic Development Representative at EDA, Robert Peche, to discuss the availability of funds for the region.  
USDA Unveils Resource Guide to Help Rural Entrepreneurs 
The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) has released a resource guide to help people in rural America start and grow businesses, create good-paying jobs in their communities and strengthen America’s economy. The guide features information on how rural entrepreneurs can use USDA and other federal programs to access financing and other assistance to help start and expand their businesses. 
Texas Workforce Commission Increases 2022 Child Care Relief Funding by $1 Billion to Strengthen Workforce 
The Texas Workforce Commission approved an additional $1 billion in direct support for the Texas child care industry, increasing available funds for the 2022 Child Care Relief Fund (CCRF) to a total of $3.4 billion — with an estimated average award of over $250,000 per provider. In addition to the $1 billion approved for CCRF, the Commission approved an additional $75 million aimed to defray startup costs for new child care providers across the state.

The 2022 CCRF is intended to help child care providers address the impacts of COVID-19. Eligible providers may use these funds in a variety of ways to support their program’s operating costs. For more information and to check eligibility, visit or email
Federal Highway Administration Posts First Batch of Fact Sheets For 10 Bipartisan Infrastructure Law Formula Programs 
The Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) has posted the first 10 fact sheets for the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law. This first batch of fact sheets covers the legislation’s “legacy” formula programs, plus the new Bridge Formula Program.

Information regarding other competitive grant opportunities associated with the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law is expected to be released to the public soon. For a general overview of all programs included in the legislation, the U.S. Department of Transportation has provided a general fact sheet for the public.
Federal Funding for Rural Communities
The U.S. Department of Agriculture’s COVID-19 Federal Rural Resource Guide organizes funding opportunities identified in the CARES Act and other federal resources that can help support rural America. 
Grants and loans to construct, enlarge, or improve essential community facilities in rural areas.

Loans and grants to a non-profit entity or institution of higher education to establish revolving loan funds for rural micro-loan borrowers and micro entrepreneurs, or to provide training and technical assistance to micro entrepreneurs.  
Federal Funding for All Communities
U.S. Economic Development Administration grants for construction or non-construction projects that will retain or create jobs and/or generate private investment. 
Economic Adjustment Assistance (March 31, applications reviewed on a rolling basis)  
U.S. Economic Development Administration grants to help communities plan, build, innovate, and put people back to work through construction or non-construction projects designed to meet local needs.  

Indigenous Communities (March 31, applications reviewed on a rolling basis
U.S. Economic Development Administration funding for Tribal Governments and Indigenous communities to develop and execute economic development projects they need to recover from the pandemic and build economies for the future.  
Travel, Tourism & Outdoor Recreation (March 31, applications reviewed on a rolling basis
U.S. Economic Development Administration investments to revitalize the hard-hit travel, tourism, and outdoor recreation industries and accelerate the recovery of communities that rely on these sectors. 

Build Back Better Regional Challenge (Phase 2: March 15
U.S. Economic Development Administration funding for regional coalitions to implement a collection of 3 to 8 distinct but related projects, in coordination with industry and community partners, and aligned around a holistic vision to build and scale a strategic industry cluster. 

Rural Energy Pilot Program (Letter of Intent: On or Before April 19, 2022 | Completed Applications: July 18, 2022) 
U.S. Department of Agriculture grants to offer financial assistance for rural communities to further develop renewable energy. Rural Energy Pilot Program (REPP) applicants must be Rural Energy Community Partnerships, as defined in the REPP Notice of Funding Opportunity.
Upcoming Economic Recovery Webinars
Last month, the White House released an infrastructure law guidebook meant to provide information to American communities, so they know what to apply for, who to contact, and how to get ready to rebuild. To help partners better understand the programs within the guidebook, the White House also launched its Infrastructure School, a series 12 webinars to provide an in-depth look at the programs contained within each of the 12 major chapters in the Infrastructure Law guidebook.  

Last month, the White House released an infrastructure law guidebook meant to provide information to American communities, so they know what to apply for, who to contact, and how to get ready to rebuild. To help partners better understand the programs within the guidebook, the White House also launched its Infrastructure School, a series 12 webinars to provide an in-depth look at the programs contained within each of the 12 major chapters in the Infrastructure Law guidebook.   
Partner Resources
Visit the GCEDD website for information and links to local, regional, and partner organizations that have additional resources and information on economic recovery. A select list is presented below.

The Greater Houston Partnership has established the Greater Houston Business Recovery Center (GHBRC), which will provide guidance on policy and financing related to recovery programs.

RestoreYourEconomy is your resource for up-to-date information related to COVID-19 and its economic impacts.

The Texas Economic Development Council COVID-19 webpage catalogs webinars, small business program examples, research white papers, Texas Workforce Commission resources, and advice for retailers.

A wide range of free resources for Main Street leaders, including recovery planning tools, research, and best practices and examples from around the Main Street Network. 
Gulf Coast Economic Development District

The Economic Recovery Resources - Weekly Update is published by the