
Livable Centers Live Work Play with silhouettes of people at a table on a bicycle and standing by a street sign

Active Transportation Funding Sources Available  

In support of the implementation of Livable Centers recommended projects, H-GAC staff updated the Livable Centers webpage, including the new Active Transportation Funding Sources resource. This new resource contains several sources that can be used for projects focused on reimagining auto-focused infrastructure, creating mixed-use environments, promoting multi-modal transportation options, improving environmental quality, enhancing pedestrian safety, and fostering economic development and housing diversity. This resource will be updated regularly, but users of this content are responsible for checking its accuracy, currency, and suitability. 

A Conversation with TxDOT  

H-GAC staff sat down with Ethan Beeson, the Texas Department of Transportation Houston-District Landscape Architect, to chat about efficient ways communities can work with TxDOT, including who to talk to, how to navigate the website and project tracker tool, closing roadways, signage, and funding sources. The recording is part of H-GAC's Bringing Back Main Street program, offering resources and regular forums for local governments, non-profits, businesses, and other stakeholders discuss and implement downtown revitalization programs. This conversation was recorded in October 2024.

Upcoming Events

Basin Steering Commitee Meeting January 14, 2025 (Hybrid)  

The H-GAC Clean Rivers Program Basin Steering Committee will meet from 10 a.m. to noon Tuesday January 14, 2025, at H-GAC second floor conference room and on Zoom.  

Registration is required to attend online and requested to attend in person.

The meeting will include discussions on the 2026/27 Clean Rivers Program scope of work and budget and the theme for the upcoming Basin Highlights Report. We will also hear updates on current Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) Projects and Watershed Protection Plan (WPP) developments in the region. 

For more information, contact Todd Running or Jenny Oakley

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Regional Flood Management Committee Meeting January 15, 2025 (Online)  

The next meeting of the H-GAC Regional Flood Management Committee will be from 1:30 to 3:30 p.m. Wednesday, January 15, 2025. 


The meeting will be online, and registration is required.

Future meetings will be:  

  • April 16, 2025, 1:30-3:30 p.m. at H-GAC (registration link available soon)
  • July 16, 2025, 1:30-3:30 p.m. online (registration required)
  • October 15, 2025, 1:30-3:30 p.m. at H-GAC (registration link available soon)

We are seeking sponsors for refreshments at in-person meetings (April and October). Reach out to Amanda Ashcroft if you would like to sponsor or if you have suggestions for speakers or content you'd like to see featured. 

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Solid Waste Management Committee Meeting January 22, 2025 (In Person)  

The next meeting of the H-GAC Solid Waste Management Committee will be from 10 a.m. to noon. Wednesday, January 22, 2025, at H-GAC second floor conference rooms.


Future meetings will be:  

We are seeking sponsors for refreshments at in-person meetings (January and July). Reach out to Erin Livingston if you would like to sponsor or if you have suggestions for speakers or content you'd like to see featured. 

Bringing Back Main Street Roundtable January 28, 2025 (In Person)  

Save the date for the next Bringing Back Main Street Roundtable Tuesday, January 28, 2025, in Cleveland. Networking and check-in begin at 9:30 a.m., and the program begins at 10 a.m. A walking tour of downtown will follow the program.

Registration is requested but not required to attend. Topics include updates from the City of Cleveland, business owner perspectives, resources from the Houston-Galveston Area Local Development Corporation and more. The exact location of the roundtable will be announced soon.

The Bringing Back Main Street initiative offers local communities a place to share best practices and engage in a regional dialogue about revitalizing and supporting vibrant downtown spaces. Each quarter, community leaders gather for a roundtable on topics ranging from small business support to sidewalk infrastructure.

For more information, contact Andrea Tantillo

Environmental Enforcement Class January 28-29, 2025 (In Person)  

H-GAC, the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality, and Fort Bend County are hosting a free County Environmental Enforcement Training from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Tuesday, January 28, 2025, and Wednesday, January 29, 2025.

This two-day training, provided by the Texas Illegal Dumping Resource Center, will be at the Fort Bend County Rosenberg Annex, Meeting Room A, 4520 Reading Road, Rosenberg. The instructor is John Ockels, Ph.D, and the training is eligible for 12 continuing education units.

Registration is required to participate in this training.

Color blocks depicting park scenes and words Parks and Nature Areas Awards

Parks and Natural Areas Awards Celebration February 21, 2025 (In Person)  

Save the Date for the Parks and Natural Areas Awards recognition ceremony from 10 a.m. to noon Friday, February 21, 2025, at H-GAC, Second Floor Conference Rooms.

Registration is requested, but not required to attend.

Award-winning projects serve as models for planning and project implementation for parks and natural areas in the region. Projects will be honored in four categories: Planning Process, On-the-Ground Projects Over $500,000, On-the-Ground Projects Under $500,000, and Programming.

Attendees will also hear about accessible and inclusive designs in parks and natural areas from Clark Condon | Landscape Architecture.

For more information, contact Andrea Tantillo.

Clean Waters Initiative Workshop February 25, 2025 (Hybrid) 

Join H-GAC for a Clean Waters Initiative workshop from 9 a.m. to noon Tuesday, February 25, 2025, at H-GAC second floor conference rooms and on Zoom. The topic will be microplastics in surface water.

Registration is requested to attend in person and required to attend online. Registration for the in person workshop will open soon.

Clean water is crucial to our region's environment, economy, and quality of life. The Clean Waters Initiative (CWI) program offers workshops that help local governments, landowners, and residents develop effective strategies to reduce pollution in area waterways.

For more information, contact Rachel Windham.

Trash Bash Waterway Cleanup March 29, 2025 (In Person) 

Mark your calendar for the next River, Lakes, Bays ‘N Bayous Trash Bash®, Texas’s largest single-day waterway cleanup, on Saturday, March 29, 2025. 


Since its inception, more than 121,000 volunteers have collected over 2,505 tons of trash, 23 tons of recyclable materials, and 12,410 tires. Find out how to volunteer and promote a healthy Galveston Bay watershed at one of the many cleanup locations on March 29, 2025.


Cleanup supplies, event t-shirts, and lunch are provided to all volunteers. Trash Bash hopes you will come out and help “Clean it like you mean it !” ®

Partner Announcements

APA SUSTAIN on a field of blue

American Planning Association Sustainability Award Applications Due January 13, 2025 

The 12th Annual American Planning Association Awards of Excellence in Sustainability are now open for nominations. The awards honor projects, policies, plans, and people who show exemplary leadership and inspiration in sustainability planning and implementation. Categories include state and regional; community; environment, climate, and energy; quality of life; policy, law, and tools; and student awards. Learn more by visiting the award webpage. Awards applications are due Monday, January 13, 2025.

Keep Texas Beautiful Governor's Community Achievement Awards Due February 13, 2025

For more than 30 years, Keep Texas Beautiful, in partnership with the Texas Department of Transportation, has awarded the prestigious Governor's Community Achievement Awards to Texas communities for their outstanding overall efforts to keep their communities beautiful. This year, 10 winning communities will share $2 million in landscaping awards from the Texas Department of Transportation, with the amount based on population size. The funds are used for landscaping projects along local rights-of-way. There is a $25 application fee. The application period opens Thursday January 2, 2025. The deadline to apply is Thursday, February 13, 2025. 


Applications Open for USDA Conservation Program Funding

The U.S. Department of Agriculture is accepting applications for the Community Forest and Open Space Conservation Program

This funding opportunity will provide financial assistance to Indian Tribes, local governments, and qualified conservation non-profit organizations to acquire and establish community forests that provide community benefits.

To apply, interested local government and nonprofit applicants must submit applications to the State Forester where the property is located. Tribal applicants must submit applications to equivalent Tribal government officials. All applications must be received by State Foresters or Tribal governments by January 13, 2025. 

Texas Department of Emergency Management Seal

Hazard Mitigation Funding Available Following Two Texas Storms

The Texas Division of Emergency Management (TDEM) is accepting applications for funding under DR-4781 related to severe storms in April 2024 and DR-4798 related to Hurricane Beryl. All entities seeking funding under these opportunities must have a FEMA approved Hazard Mitigation Plan at the time the project is submitted to FEMA for consideration and at the time an award is made, except for projects to develop or update mitigation plans. 

Applications under the DR-4781 program are due on February 28, 2025, and applications under the DR-4798 are due on March 14, 2025. 

Eligible applicants for both programs must apply for funding using the TDEM Grants Management System (GMS). GMS Is used to apply for, track, and manage a variety of FEMA grants. To register, visit

Texas outline with Take Care of Texas written in blue

Take Care of Texas Art Contest

The Texas Commission on Environmental Quality is hosting the Take Care of Texas Art Contest for kindergarten-fifth grade students to depict positive ways to help keep the air and water clean, conserve water and energy, and reduce waste. The theme for 2024 is Recycling, and the contest sponsor is Texas Chemical Council. The contest begins on Tuesday, January 7, 2025. The deadline to enter is Monday, March 3, 2025.

More Upcoming Events

Houston Audubon logo

Audubon Christmas Bird Count – Through January 5, 2025 

The Audubon Christmas Bird Count is December 14 through January 5 each year. Organized by the National Audubon Society, this global, all-volunteer effort collects data on local bird populations. Individual counts are open to birders of all levels, and there is no fee to participate. Several events are scheduled across the region.

Funding Sources

Funding Sources

H-GAC's Community and Environmental Planning Department maintains a list of ongoing funding opportunities for parks improvements, conservation projects, active transportation projects, and downtown revitalization projects. H-GAC also provides a Funding Resources Hub with many funding opportunities for individuals, local governments, organizations, and others.

If you know of a funding opportunity, forward it to Andrea Tantillo.

All content, including links to websites on these funding lists, is for informational purposes only. Users of this content are responsible for checking its accuracy, currency, and suitability.

Interactive Data Applications

Mapping Applications

Looking for interactive applications or GIS data related to the H-GAC Community and Environmental Planning Department? Visit H-GAC's interactive applications web page.

Unless otherwise noted, all meetings scheduled at H-GAC are at 3555 Timmons Lane, Houston, Texas. In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, H-GAC will provide reasonable accommodations for persons with disabilities attending H-GAC functions. Requests should be received 72 business hours prior to the function. Contact the meeting organizer to make arrangements.

Banner Photo: Public art in Texas City Photo by Marcus Tantillo. Public art throughout Texas City highlights the work of various artists. Near the Doyle Convention Center, visitors can find Runners in the Park by David Govedare and Puppy Love by Marianne Caroselli. Would you like us to consider featuring your municipality, program, or regional photo on the C&E Planning Update banner? Just forward your picture to Andrea Tantillo, along with some information about the subject and the photographer, and you might see it in a future month's newsletter.

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