Who is Completing the Application?

Please provide contact information for the person who will complete the online application for this project. The email address and password entered here will be used to complete and submit both Pre-Applications and Applications.

Sherri Riveron

Friendswood Lakes Boulevard - FM 528 to FM 2351


[email protected]

Primary Agency Information

Please provide contact information for the agency official who is representing the project sponsor. This individual will be considered the official applicant and must be authorized by their agency to submit this request for funding and make necessary assertations and representations on the agency’s behalf.

City of Friendswood

Morad Kabiri

City Manager


[email protected]

901 S. Friendswood Dr.




Additional Agency Information

Project Information

Friendswood Lakes Blvd. -FM 528 to FM 2351

Galveston County

Friendswood Lakes Boulevard

FM 528 to FM 2351

Limited accessibility and mobility of people and goods on the regional thoroughfare network in the project area. There is a gap between two major thoroughfares- one in Pearland and one in League City that causes traffic and freight to travel together on a congested FM 518, especially during peak travel times. During major flooding events like Hurricane Harvey, major emergency evacuation and supplies routes were inaccessible due to high water along Clear Creek (separating the west side of Friendswood from IH 45).

Construction of a gap in a major thoroughfare. Approximately 1.87 miles of roadway.

Improve accessibility and mobility of people and goods on the regional thoroughfare network through the addition of a new roadway filling the gap to connect two major thoroughfares. An alternate route for traffic from League City and Friendswood to travel especially during peak travel times. Provide needed alternate route for freight to traverse between Galveston County/Brazoria County and Harris County providing a parallel route (to FM 518) for freight and passenger travel. Provide a new emergency evacuation route that will take evacuees from Galveston County and Brazoria County to the Beltway 8 and north on IH 45. After large disasters, this route will also be used to bring in supplies and emergency assistance to the area. The roadway will be located on the west and south sides of Clear Creek providing access to areas typically cut off from emergency assistance by flooding around Clear Creek. It will meet a need for a parallel route to FM 518 and I 35 for travelers to access I 45 and I 35. Linking to League City Parkway in an eastward direction will connect to SH 96.


a. MPOIDs: 384 (it was titled Brittany Bay Blvd – but is the same roadway as Friendswood Lakes Blvd.- only the name of the roadway changed).


Less than $100 million

(Expand) Roadway Added Capacity/New Construction/Complete Streets



Project Development/Readiness

Not Started

Environmental Assessment (EA)















Friendswood Lakes Blvd Timeline.pdf


Final Project Map.pdf

Project Budget

FINAL Budget Worksheet.xlsx


Benefit/Cost Analysis

Safety Benefits.zip


Emissions Benefits.zip

H-GAC prepared Model Data for 1.) Friendswood Lakes Blvd.- FM 528 to FM 2351; and, 2.) FM 518 – FM 528 to FM 2351. The Model data was requested and prepared for the parallel roadway FM 518. It is expected that a percentage of existing traffic along FM 518 will distribute to the proposed Friendswood Lakes Blvd.- FM 528 to FM 2351. Additionally, a Traffic Study was performed for a connecting segment of Friendswood Lakes Blvd. – from West Blvd. to FM 528. The study collected 24-hour turning movement counts (TMC’s) at three locations along the study corridor on March 22, 2018. The study did not consider the broader area growth that will lead to added traffic as League City Parkway is connected through Friendswood to Pearland Parkway. Existing 24-hour traffic counts were obtained at the three intersections indicated below: FM 528 at Friendswood Lakes Blvd.; FM 528 at Falcon Ridge Blvd.; FM 518 at West Blvd. The Traffic Study indicated that the LOS for FM 528 at Falcon Ridge Blvd intersection will be improved due to the Friendswood Lakes Blvd extension to West Blvd. The Report evaluated the existing traffic conditions on major streets in the proposed project. The major streets include FM 528, Falcon Ridge Blvd., FM 518, and West Boulevard. The report was to 1.) Identify possible future developments along Friendswood Lakes Blvd.; 2.) Develop possible traffic distribution along proposed project, and 3.) Evaluate if the Friendswood Lakes Blvd. extension is needed to maintain safe operation and acceptable level of service on the roadway system. The extension to West Blvd was a high priority for the community and was approved in the 2017 Galveston County Bond election. This was a critical step in the connection from League City Parkway to Pearland Parkway. Planned development in Friendswood with new homes and businesses will lead to high growth in traffic. The FISD studies indicted the need for a new school to meet the growing demand. The school will be build at Friendswood Lakes Blvd and West Blvd. FISD data was included in this application. The proposed roadway was also selected for the TIP Application for its critical location and use as an emergency evacuation and primary route for supplies immediately following large flooding events. Its location on the west and south side of Clear Creek during Hurricane Harvey prevented access to IH 45, the state designated emergency evacuation route. A regional airport located along the connecting route in Brazoria County to Pearland Parkway was the only airport in a wide radius to remain operational and not experience flooding, providing vital service to the Gulf Coast communities with emergency aircraft operations, fueling, and emergency supplies deliveries. This proposed roadway project and its connection to Pearland Parkway will greatly improve access to the Sam Houston Tollway and SH 35. This route will provide an emergency evacuation route that parallels FM 518 and SH 35.

Planning Factors - Connectivity to Employment/Eliminates At-Grade Railroad Crossings


701 - 800


Planning Factors - Environmental Justice


Planning Factors - Improves Corridor Level of Travel Time Reliability (LOTTR)

None of the Above


Planning Factors - Improves Multimodal LOS




This project improves multi-modal LOS. Considering FM 518 as designated on the Greater Houston Freight map, experiences delay in carrying freight throughout the region. Once this project is constructed, it will serve to further the connection from League City Parkway through Friendswood to Pearland Parkway and on to Beltway 8/Toll Road and on through to Hobby Airport. The model data indicates that traffic will be redirected from FM 518 to the new Friendswood Lakes Blvd. especially at peak traffic volume times. Additionally, the Traffic Study for Friendswood Lakes Blvd.- West Blvd. to FM 528 indicated improvement of freight along FM 518 once the bond project is funded. The bond funded project will connect to this project and thereby provide added benefit. Also see Greater Houston Freight Plan. The City of Friendswood Bike Plan indicates a new bike path will provide access from this project Proposed 2.98 share path/trail. The Friendswood Lakes Blvd.- FM 528 to FM 2351 will cross the trail/path thereby providing direct access to biking and walking.

Planning Factors - Planning Coordination


Friendswood Major Thoroughfare Plan, League City Master Plan, Pearland Master Plan, Brazoria County Thoroughfare Plan, Galveston County Thoroughfare Plan

https://evogov.s3.amazonaws.com/media/124/media/94b65f00-4f02-48dd-9956-5840dca9cab2.pdf; http://www.leaguecity.com/1038/Comprehensive-Plan; https://www.pearlandtx.gov/Home/ShowDocument?id=20327; https://brazoria.maps.arcgis.com/apps/webappviewer/index.html?id=03b9a8ccf16f492a8bbf147e8d386f53; http://www.h-gac.com/taq/thoroughfare_plan/maps.aspx

Planning Factors - Roadway Hierarchy/Freight System Priority/Evacuation Route

Minor Arterial



