Current Release: 2024
H-GAC’s Regional Growth Forecast of population, employment, and land use data for the 8-county H-GAC Transportation Management Area (Brazoria, Chambers, Fort Bend, Galveston, Harris, Liberty, Montgomery, and Waller counties) is updated periodically. Each updated release incorporates the latest available information on planned and announced developments, population and employment data, and feedback received from forecast users.
Population and employment figures are available at the following geographic scales:
- Transportation Analysis Zones (TAZ)
- Census tracts (2020 Census boundaries)
- Cities (2020 Census boundaries)
- Counties
- Combined 8-county area
Land use information is available at the parcel level and includes housing units and non-residential square footage.
The 2024 release incorporates the latest regional travel network data, plus several refinements made to our growth model pertaining to accessibility and household location choice model. For more details on the forecast methodology, please refer to the documentation.
Explore the forecast data by:
Viewing Summary Charts and Maps
Using our Mapping Application and Interactive Reports
Working with our Excel Tables
Reading our Documentation
All information from our web mapping application is also available for GIS users to download.
Your review of the forecast is important to us, and we encourage you to send us feedback. To receive updates about the forecast, please sign up for our news.
H-GAC Forecast Limitations
While H-GAC’s forecast provides valuable insights, it is subject to certain limitations. Our projections are based on historical trends in migration, fertility, and survival rates, which may not fully capture the impact of future policy changes, sudden economic shifts, environmental factors, or technological advancements. Additionally, while we actively track planned real estate developments, projects announced after the forecast release may not be immediately reflected.
Despite these constraints, we continuously monitor demographic trends and new developments, integrating updated data into future forecasts to ensure accuracy and relevance.