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Help for Victims of Elder Abuse
H-GAC's Elder Justice Program assists seniors in recovering from crime. Our team of lawyers works free-of-charge to stop abuse, to minimize harm and recover lost assets, and to obtain justice.
Who Qualifies
Seniors aged 65+ and disabled individuals of all ages who:
- Live in Chambers, Fort Bend, Galveston, Harris, Liberty, Matagorda, Montgomery, Waller or Wharton counties AND
- Have been the victim of a crime, including:
- Consumer Fraud
- Contractor Scams
- Family Violence
- Financial Exploitation
- Identity Theft
- Internet Scams
- Neglect or Physical Abuse
- Sexual Assault
- Stalking or Harassment
- “Sweetheart” Scams
Note: Crimes do not have to have been reported to law enforcement.
FREE Services Offered
- Legal representation in civil matters directly related to the crime
- Legal advocacy with law enforcement and prosecutors
- Assisting navigating the criminal justice system and/or Adult Protective Services
- Resource referrals to community services
Need Help?
Confidentiality honored but please call or email from a safe location or account!
Types of Elder Abuse
Physical abuse: Inflicting physical pain or injury
Sexual abuse: Sexual contact of any kind without consent
Emotional abuse: Verbal assaults, threats, harassment or intimidation
Financial abuse: Illegal or improper use of money or property
Neglect: Intentional or unintentional failure or refusal to provide care
Signs of Elder Abuse
Difficulty sleeping
Depression or confusion
Unexplained weight loss
Signs of trauma, like rocking back and forth
Agitation or violence
Withdrawn from social contact and/or usual activities or interests
Unexplained bruises, burns or scars
Bed sores or other preventable conditions
Elder Abuse Facts
1 in 10 Americans aged 60+ have experienced some form of elder abuse.
In 60% of reported incidents of neglect, a family member is responsible.
Seniors who have been abused have a 300% higher risk of death than those who have not been mistreated.
Elders who have been abused are 4X more likely to be admitted into a nursing home.
Each year, physical abuse of seniors causes $5.3 billion in annual direct medical costs.