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Subregional Planning is a partnership between H-GAC and local public entities, such as a city or county, located within the H-GAC Metropolitan Planning Organization 8-county region. These planning efforts are unique because H-GAC assists local governments and agencies in performing mobility studies that looks at the entire transportation network, instead of focusing on individual roadway segments or improvements. The studies enhance mobility by identifying needed roadway improvements for all types of transportation; promoting coordinated transportation project development between local governments and agencies; and providing guidance for future transportation needs. The study also uses steering committees, made up of local members of the community familiar with the study area, to guide the planning process and mobility project recommendations. Lastly, the plans create implementation guides so that local governments can quickly and easily implement the recommended roadway improvements from the plan.
Subregional Plan Types: Thoroughfare, Mobility, and Corridor Plans
- A Thoroughfare Plan is a long-range plan (0-50+ years) that identifies the general location and type of roadway facilities that will be needed to meet projected future growth within the study area. A Thoroughfare Plan is not a list of road construction projects but rather a guide to help local governments hold on to existing or potential corridors for a future transportation system.
- A Mobility Plan is a roadmap for making recommended transportation improvements, such as road extensions, widenings, intersection improvements, signal timing, etc, in a specific area within the next 0-20 years. It considers the needs of all roadway users and is a collaborative effort between local governments in the area. The mobility plan carries out recommendations from the thoroughfare plan in stages as growth occurs. The study results in a list of recommended short- and long-term projects to reduce congestion and make streets safer for everyone in the study area.
- A Transportation Plan is a combination of a mobility plan and thoroughfare plan. These have occurred in the past and are no longer practiced at H-GAC. Mobility plans and Thoroughfare plans should be conducted separately.
- A Corridor Study focuses on a specific roadway corridor to make the street safer for everyone and reduce congestion. The study area usually includes a quarter-mile buffer around the corridor.
Subregional studies last approximately 12-24 months depending on the size of the study area. H-GAC has performed 11 subregional studies over the last 13 years. Many of the recommended projects in these plans have been implemented by local jurisdictions using local funding, while others have made their way into Regional Transportation Plans for federal funding. You can find completed subregional plans and their publicly available materials below. For in-progress and upcoming plans and studies, please see the right sidebar.
Brazoria County
Northern Brazoria County/Pearland Subregional Plan
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The Northern Brazoria County/Pearland Subregional Plan recommends locally approved transportation and mobility improvement recommendations to be included in the Regional Transportation Plan. Stakeholders include the City of Pearland, the City of Alvin, Brazoria County Precinct 2, the Greater 288 Partnership, the Bay Area Transportation Partnership (BayTran), and the Texas Medical Center.
Pearland Transit Needs Assessment and Feasibility Study
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Fort Bend County
Fort Bend County Subregional Plan
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The Fort Bend County Subregional Plan examines long-range transportation needs at the local level. Thoroughfare plans, economic development initiatives, and various other information were integrated into an updated land use and transportation vision for the sub-region.
The projects includes seven cities: Rosenberg, Meadows Place, Arcola, Missouri City, Sugar Land, Richmond, and Stafford, as well as Fort Bend County.
Harris County
Old Sixth Ward/TIRZ 13 Phase II Mobility Plan
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Southeast Harris County Subregional Study
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The Southeastern portion of Harris County serves a growing amount of commuter, residential, and industrial traffic. The industrial uses in the subarea contribute to a high-level of truck traffic and safety concerns, which also impacts residential and commercial areas.
This study will identify and propose solutions to address congestion and safety, multimodal transportation needs in the subregion with the involvement of stakeholders and the public. The scenarios will integrate land use, transportation, and economic impacts while meeting H-GAC’s goals for mobility, safety, and enabling economic opportunity.
East Port Area Subregional Plan April 2010
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Southeast Houston Mobility Plan May 2021
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The Southeast Houston Mobility Plan is a comprehensive transportation study, focused on furthering the City of Houston’s goals for a more healthy, resilient, and connected city established through PlanHouston and leaning on processes and technical guidance elaborated in the City’s Mobility Plan. This plan allows for more in depth consideration of the existing transportation and mobility conditions, infrastructure, and development in the Southeast Houston Study Area.
The primary purpose is to identify short, medium and long-range projects, policies, and programs intended to promote better mobility for all road users, and to consider and develop a multi-modal classification for streets within the study area.
East End Mobility Study November 2012
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Greater West Houston Mobility Plan October 2015
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The Greater West Houston Mobility Plan is a comprehensive multi-modal transportation study that explores different land use and transportation scenarios for the Greater West Houston region. The study examines improved transportation strategies for freeways, toll ways, local streets, transit, and pedestrian and bicycle networks. A series of short, medium and long range projects were identified to help improve mobility throughout the study area.
City of Houston Thoroughfare Plan
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Liberty County
Liberty County Mobility Study
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Liberty County is developing quickly. With increasing traffic to the area, especially within the Cities of Cleveland, Dayton and Liberty, the County needs a plan that manages growth, maintains mobility, and focuses on safety for all users.
The Liberty County Mobility Plan will define future transportation investments that will move people and goods in a safe and efficient manner by analyzing the existing transportation network, considering existing and future land use and growth scenarios, and recommending ways to improve transportation mobility for residents, businesses and visitors now and in the future.
Metropolitan Transit Authority (METRO)
METRO Bike and Ride Access and Implementation Plan January 2014
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H-GAC partnered with METRO on the development of a Subregional Planning study that will facilitate METRO’s evolution as a multimodal transit agency to increase accessibility for bicyclists and pedestrians.
The METRO Bike and Ride Access and Implementation Plan will identify strategic approaches tailored to each of METRO’s Park and Ride lots, transit centers and rail stations based on analysis and information that includes best practices from peer transit agencies, spatial requirements, security requirements and geographic requirements.
Montgomery County
The Woodlands Transit Plan March 2015
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The rapid growth of employment centers and residential developments within and adjacent to The Woodlands Township will increase the strain on the area’s existing roadway system. Transit programs could expand user choices for connecting to employment and activity centers and help support employment and residential growth.
H-GAC, in collaboration with The Woodlands Township, developed The Woodlands Transit Plan. This comprehensive transit study is taking a fresh look at transit, looking at ways the services currently provided could be improved or complemented with new services. The study will result in a prioritized list of potential transit projects to be considered as future funding opportunities arise.
South Montgomery County (Precinct 3) Mobility Plan
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South Montgomery County is experiencing high-paced growth in all areas:
- Jobs
- Construction of new office, medical and retail buildings
- Development of new master planned communities on both sides of I-45
- Opening of Grand Parkway segments running from US 290 to US 59
Recognizing the impact that this hyper-activity has on the area’s roadway network, local leaders initiated a study led by the Houston-Galveston Area Council.
This comprehensive transportation study determined existing and future transportation needs within South Montgomery County study area, which in turn will help local governments and policy makers prioritize transportation investments to improve access to jobs, homes and services in the area.