Last Modified: July 17, 2018

Thank you for visiting the Houston-Galveston Area Council’s web site. Your privacy is important to us.

This is to inform website visitors about our policies regarding the collection, storage, and usage of Personally Identifiable Information (PII).

What Information Is Collected, How is it Collected, and How it is Used?

When you visit our site, our web server records only your domain name and IP address. No other information is collected. The domain name and IP information collected are only for logging purposes.

We use Google Analytics; a web service of Google Inc. Google Analytics collects information about your visits to our Website and which website you may have visited that referred you to our Website.

We use the information collected by Google Analytics to improve our Web site. We do not combine the information collected by Google Analytics with any personally identifying information.

View additional information about how Google safeguards your data.

You can opt out of certain Google features by visiting Google’s opt-out page.

Web Forms

When completing a web form, any personally identifying information collected by H-GAC will be explicitly identified. H-GAC only receives and stores this information when a web form is successfully submitted.

Any personally identifying information collected by H-GAC web form will be used only for purposes directly related to the original intent of the web form.

Job Listings

H-GAC utilizes Taleo, a cloud-based talent management software vendor that uses Oracle Data Could Service, to host job listings and collect and process applicant information. Data collected as part of the job application process is subject to the Oracle Data Cloud Privacy Policy

The information collected by the Taleo Cloud Service is used solely by H-GAC for employment decisions.

First Party Cookies

First party cookies are files that contain a small amount of text that are stored on your computer when visiting a website, by the website you are visiting. H-GAC’s website uses first party cookies to assist with the Google Analytics application.

Third Party Cookies

Third party cookies are files that contain a small amount of text that are stored on your computer when visiting a website, by a different domain than the website you are visiting. H-GAC’s website does not use third party cookies.

How Long Does H-GAC Keep This Information?

H-GAC maintains its records in accordance with the Local Government Retention Schedule published by the Texas State Library and Archives Commission.

H-GAC does not share this information with anyone, unless directed to do so as a result of action governed by the Texas Public Information Act, or if the information is subject to a specific statutory exemption.


If you have questions regarding this privacy policy, please feel free to contact us at [email protected].