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Who is Completing the Application?
Please provide contact information for the person who will complete the online application for this project. The email address and password entered here will be used to complete and submit both Pre-Applications and Applications.
Scott Ayres
Planning Engineer
Primary Agency Information
Please provide contact information for the agency official who is representing the project sponsor. This individual will be considered the official applicant and must be authorized by their agency to submit this request for funding and make necessary assertations and representations on the agency’s behalf.
Texas Department of Transportation - Beaumont
Tucker Ferguson
District Engineer
8350 Eastex Freeway
Additional Agency Information
11607 Eagle Drive, P.O. Box 1048
Mont Belvieu
Project Information
SH 146 Access Management
Chambers County
SH 146
From IH 10 to Lynchburg Canal. Approximately 5.8 miles total in length.
As the City of Mont Belvieu continues to grow in population as expected, SH 146 will experience heavier traffic and congestion. SH 146 is a primary gateway into the City of Mont Belvieu and a critical economic corridor, serving many businesses and industrial centers. The SH 146 corridor includes 123 access points and a lack of channelization with a lane configuration of five lanes with a continuous left-turn lane throughout the corridor. The roadway often collects dust from adjacent industrial centers and associated trucks, creating visibility and sight distance issues. Trucks account for a large percentage of the traffic on the corridor, and the lack of a roadway edge along portions of SH 146 can lead to stopped vehicles impeding traffic and creating additional safety hazards. Access management will allow SH 146 to accommodate the expected growth in a safe and efficient manner and address these issues.
The access management recommendations are derived from the previous SH 146 Corridor Revitalization Plan. In addition to improving the appearance of the corridor, it is proposed to close 26 driveways along SH 146 and construct a raised median throughout the corridor. The consolidation of driveways is intended to maintain access to all businesses and industrial centers along the corridor. The raised median would replace the existing two-way left-turn lane. Sidewalks are proposed to be constructed in conjunction with the raised median to provide safe passage for pedestrians along the corridor.
Given the anticipated population and economic growth within the City of Mont Belvieu, SH 146 will remain a critical major arterial for the city. The reduction of driveways and the added raised median will reduce the number of access points along SH 146, thus reducing the number of conflict points and left-turn movements along the corridor. The consolidation effort is expected to improve the efficiency and safety of the roadway. The addition of sidewalks will enhance safety for pedestrians along the corridor.
Less than $100 million
(Manage) Access Management/Safety/Grade Separations
Project Development/Readiness
Not Started
Categorical Exclusion (CE)
C-22: Projects taking place entirely within the existing operational right-of-way.
Pre-App 7. Project Development-Readiness--Project Schedule.pdf
The attached figure, referenced from the SH 146 Corridor Revitalization Plan report, shows a section of the SH 146 corridor with the proposed improvements including a raised median. The access management improvements are derived from the SH 146 Corridor Revitalization Plan, seen at the following link: http://www.montbelvieu.net/DocumentCenter/View/1119
Pre-App 8. Project Development-Readiness--Raised Median Figure.png
Benefit/Cost Analysis
Benefit Spreasheet 1. Benefit Cost Analysis--Safety Benefits.xlsx
Benefit Spreasheet 3. Benefit Cost Analysis--Emissions Benefits.xlsx
Planning Factors - Connectivity to Employment/Eliminates At-Grade Railroad Crossings
901 - 1000
Planning Factors - Environmental Justice
Planning Factors - Improves Corridor Level of Travel Time Reliability (LOTTR)
0.01 – 0.10
Planning Factors - Improves Multimodal LOS
The highway LOS is expected to see the most benefit from the proposed access management project. The addition of a raised median will channelize both directions of SH 146 and provide smoother traffic flow and safer turning maneuvers. The bike/pedestrian LOS is expected to improve with the addition of sidewalks on either side of SH 146.
Planning Factors - Planning Coordination
State Highway 146 Subregional Plan prepared for H-GAC and adopted on 6/25/18.
Planning Factors - Roadway Hierarchy/Freight System Priority/Evacuation Route
Principal Arterial