Aging and Disability Advisory Committee

The Aging and Disability Advisory Committee advises the H-GAC Board of Directors on needs, services, and programs for older citizens in 12-H-GAC counties (all but Harris). 

The ADAC will be organized as a standing committee of the H-GAC.  Examples of the Advisory Committee's functions include:

  • Assisting in the development of the Area Plan.
  • Assisting in conducting public hearings.
  • Representing the interests of older person in the region.
  • Reviewing proposals for Older Americans Act funds passed through H-GAC for aging services.
  • Assisting with the development of recommendations for consideration by the H-GAC Board of Directors.

Contact Information

Would you like to contact us about this topic? Please contact:

Deborah Duke

Meeting Dates

The Aging and Disability Advisory Committee meets on the 3rd Thursday of February, April, June, August, October and December.

Texas Silver-Haired Legislature