Area Emission Reduction Credit Organization
The Houston-Galveston Area Emission Reduction Credit Organization was created in 1994 to promote the improvement of air quality while helping to mitigate the adverse impacts of control strategies on economic development in the Houston-Galveston-Brazoria region. The Houston-Galveston Area Emission Reduction Credit Organization accomplishes this by providing a legal framework to promote air quality improvement and economic growth in the eight county Houston-Galveston-Brazoria ozone non-attainment area.
Contact Information
Would you like to contact us about this topic? Please contact:
Carlos Lugo
[email protected]
Tax Information
Through a 501(c)3 designation by the U.S. Internal Revenue Service, the Houston-Galveston Area Emission Reduction Credit Organization (Tax ID# 760474318) is able to receive tax deductible donations for Clean School Bus Houston and of emission reduction credits or contributions.
The Houston-Galveston Area Emission Reduction Credit Organization collects donations for several ongoing projects and programs: