Your Information

All fields are required unless noted otherwise.

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Select Your Sponsorship Level

Please select your desired sponsorship level.

Please visit our Houston Area GIS Day and Expo Sponsorship page to review the available sponsorship levels and sponsor benefits.


Available Sponsorship Levels

GUID Sponsor - $5,000

  • All benefits of previous levels (Point, Line, Polygon).
  • Prominent acknowledgment as a "GUID Sponsor" in all event promotions.
  • Exclusive sponsorship of the awards ceremony.
  • Extended speaking opportunity during the event to address attendees.
  • Opportunity to host a branded workshop or training session.
  • Exclusive branding of event materials or merchandise (e.g., lanyards, event bags).
  • Complimentary access to attendee contact information for post-event follow-up.
  • Two dedicated table in the Exhibit Hall with 3-4 personnel maximum (includes Wi-Fi access, power, and a table skirt).

Polygon Sponsor - $2,500

  • All benefits of previous levels (Point and Line).
  • Acknowledgment as a "Polygon Sponsor" in event press releases and social media announcements.
  • Priority placement of your organization's logo and name on event signage.
  • Opportunity to provide promotional materials or swag in the event registration area.
  • Exclusive mention during the event's opening remarks.
  • Recognition in post-event thank-you emails sent to all attendees.
  • A dedicated space for a pop-up banner or display near the event's main stage.
  • Dedicated table in the Exhibit Hall with 3 personnel maximum (includes Wi-Fi access, power, and a table skirt).

Line Sponsor - $1,500

  • All benefits of previous level (Point).
  • Dedicated table in the Exhibit Hall with up to 2 personnel maximum (includes Wi-Fi access, power, and a table skirt).
  • Complimentary coffee and water provided onsite.

Point Sponsor - $500

  • Organization name, logo, and website displayed on the Houston Area GIS Day homepage and all marketing flyers.

Complimentary Attendees

As a , you receive up to complimentary attendee(s).

Please enter the following information for each individual that will attend this event, including yourself if you are attending:

  • First Name
  • Last Name
  • Title
  • Email Address

Billing Information

Please complete the requested billing information.

All fields are required.


Payment Information

Please complete the requested payment information.

All fields are required.

Required Credit Card Number must be a 16 digit number
Required CVV must be a 3 digit number
Required Credit Card Expiration Month must be a 2 digit number
Required Credit Card Expiration Year must be a 2 digit number

Please make checks payable to "Houston-Galveston Area Council."

Please include "Houston Area GIS Day Sponsorship" in the notation line.

After submitting this form, please mail checks to the following address:

Houston-Galveston Area Council
Attention: H-GAC Data Analytics and Research
3555 Timmons Lane, Suite 120
Houston, TX 77027

Review Your Houston Area GIS Day and Expo Sponsorship

Selected Sponsorship Level Sponsorship Amount
Attendee Name