What is LiDAR?

LiDAR is a remote sensing technology that measures distances, elevations, or surfaces by illuminating a target with a laser and analyzing the reflected light. The acronym for LiDAR commonly referes to LIght Detection And Ranging. LiDAR is popularly used as a technology for make high-resolution maps that represent surfaces and elevations. LiDAR can be implemented as an airborne based system for collecting information such as elevation and surface variances, but is also finding applications in ground-based environments to map existing natural and man-made features.

Where can I download a reference grid for the LiDAR datasets?

GIS datasets showing the LiDAR grids can be downloaded by clicking on the links below:

LiDAR Grid 2018 (Full Extent)

LiDAR Grid 2018 (Harris County Flood Control District Extent)

LiDAR Grid 2014

LiDAR Grid 2008

What are the specifications for the LiDAR data?
Is a sample of the LiDAR data available?
What file formats are available?