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Study Summary and Goals
The goal of the East Aldine Livable Centers study is to create a Strategic Development Plan that ties together existing plans and leverages recent investments in the District such as improvements in the Town Center as well as infrastructure and stormwater detention enhancements. The intent is to create a plan that offers a vision for the future to help guide and prioritize implementable recommendations including multimodal access and connectivity to community amenities, services and commercial centers.
Storm water management, multimodal connectivity, creation of distinctive destinations, enhanced housing options and conceptualized improvements for implementation are prioritized by the District, as is creating an overall strong sense of place where residents and visitors alike can live, work, play and shop. The study will consider future land uses in the area and build off the District’s Economic Development Strategic Plan to identify new and exciting growth opportunities.
Received 2022 Silver Planning Achievement Award in Best Practice from the Texas Chapter of the American Planning Association (APATX).
Study Area Map
Click for a full size version of this map.
Local Partners
East Aldine Management District
Lead Consultant
Asakura Robinson