Engaging Communities, Building Solutions
Since its launch in 2023, H-GAC’s award-winning County Pop-Up Meetings have helped identify critical issues across Gulf Coast counties while advancing the board of directors' key focus areas. Watch the video below to learn what County Pop-Up Meetings are and how they benefit your community.
2023-2024: Listening to Our Region
In 2023 and 2024, H-GAC hosted round one of its regional conversations with stakeholders from each county in our 13-county region. These meetings were just the start of our County Pop-Up Meeting series and provided H-GAC the opportunity to learn first-hand about the challenges and opportunities of each county and community throughout our region. Click below to view the County Profile Sheets and learn What We Heard.
2025: Round Two is Coming
The County Pop-Up Meeting series will continue with round 2 in 2025 returning to each county with a renewed focus on new areas. These pop-ups reinforce our commitment to addressing the region’s most pressing challenges and our understanding of local concerns.