On This Page
The I-Plan includes Implementation Strategy 4.0: Stormwater and Land Development relating to wastewater treatment facilities. The strategy includes six implementation activities:
- Implementation Activity 4.1: Continue Existing Programs
- Implementation Activity 4.2: Model Best Practices
- Sub-activity 4.2.1: Create and maintain an online library of best practices
- Sub-activity 4.2.2: Coordinate networking meetings
- Implementation Activity 4.3: Encourage Expansion of Storm Water Management Programs
- Sub-activity 4.3.1: Encourage permitted MS4 communities to voluntarily expand and refine elements of their storm water programs that address bacteria
- Sub-activity 4.3.2: Encourage local governments without MS4 permits to voluntarily develop and implement a storm water management program to address bacteria loading
- Sub-activity 4.3.3: If voluntary measures are not implemented or bacteria reduction is not being achieved, petition the TCEQ to mandate storm water program development
- Implementation Activity 4.4: Promote Recognition Programs for Developments that Voluntarily Incorporate Bacteria Reduction Measures
- Sub-activity 4.4.1: Encourage voluntary participation in existing recognition programs
- Sub-activity 4.4.2: Develop a recognition program specific to storm water and land development in the BIG area
- Implementation Activity 4.5: Provide a Circuit Rider Program
- Implementation Activity 4.6: Petition the TCEQ to Facilitate Reimbursement of Bacteria Reduction Measures
More information about the status of the I-Plan, including a link to the full document, can be found on the BIG page.
March 26, 2018
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March 20, 2017
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January 15, 2016
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November 18, 2014
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February 21, 2013
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This is an excerpt from the I-Plan approved by the BIG on May 22, 2012. It does include subsequent changes.
January 30, 2012
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Draft recommended to BIG for inclusion.
Documents and Links
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EPA's handbook for TMDL practitioners and permit writers on current methods being used to develop more detailed stormwater-source TMDL allocations, TMDL implementation plans including best management practices, and methods for translating TMDL allocations into NPDES stormwater permit requirements.
EPA's Stormwater Resources web section. With the expansion of NDPES Stormwater regulations to smaller municipalities and smaller construction activities, there has been increasing demand for more detailed quantification of stormwater allocations in TMDLs that are more useful for implementation in NDPES permits.
American Rivers and Midwest Environmental Advocates, September 2008. A report to help you protect clean water and healthy streams in your community.
By Jane Clary, Jonathan Jones, Ben Urbonas, Marcus Quigley, Eric Strecker, and Todd Wagner, May/June 2008, Stormwater Magazine, Santa Barbara, CA. This paper provides a brief background regarding bacteria in urban runoff, summarizes the bacteria data available in the BMP Database, provides analysis results and suggests how these findings may affect the selection and design of BMPs to assist in meeting TMDL goals. The underlying data set used in this analysis can be downloaded from the BMP Database website.