Expand Capacity through Partnership

Management Districts


Management districts, special districts, and improvement districts are created through the Texas Legislature. Managment districts empower commercial property owners to supplement City and County services and infrastructure. Property owners identify common problems and issues in their area and use their Management District to implement solutions.

Management Districts are used:

  • To support economic activity in existing commercial centers
  • To promote neighborhood revitalization
  • To support raw land development

Management Districts may finance services and improvements through the levy of assessments on commercial property or ad valorem taxes. Some Management Districts are able to levy sales and use taxes or hotel occupancy taxes.

Created By


Implement In

City, County

4B Economic Development Corporation (EDC)


Develop an Economic Development Corporation funded through the city by a sales and use tax. Type B EDCs can pay for land, buildings, equipment, facilities, and targeted infrastructure for affordable housing, amongst other quality of life improvement projects.

Created By


Implement In


Land Banking


Create or partner with a land bank and acquire land  to ensure equitable developments including affordable and mixed-use housing.  Land banks are not financial institutions.  They are public or community-owned entities that acquire, maintain, and repurpose vacant, abandoned, and foreclosed properties. Some land banks  prioritize returning the properties to productive use (generating tax revenue) while others may target neighborhood revitalization or the creation of affordable housing.

Created By

City, State, Developer, Non-Profit

Implement In


Community Land Trust (CLT)


Partner with a Community Land Trust to allow the purchase of a home without the purchase of land, which is instead leased from the CLT. This not only helps to develop affordable housing, it helps keep housing affordable by lifting the property tax burden from the home owner. Benefits include:

  • Homeowners buy their homes at below-market prices, receive a deed to their homes, and enjoy exclusive use of the land.
  • Homeowners lease the land underneath their homes from CLT. All leases are 99-years, renewable, and inheritable.
  • Homeowners agree to limit the resell price of their homes ensuring that the homes will remain affordable for future families

Created By

City, County, Non-Profit

Implement In


Community Development Corporation


Community Development Corporations are non-profit, community-based organizations focused on the revitalization of typically low-income, underserved neighborhoods. CDCs often deal with the development of affordable housing.

Created By

Developer, Non-Profit

Implement In


Community Development Financial Institution


Community Development Financial Institutions are dedicated to affordable lending to help low-income, low-wealth, and otherwise economically disadvantaged communities improve economic outcomes. CDFIs can be credit unions, loan finds, microloan funds, banks, or venture capital providers. Certified CDFIs receive federal funding through the Community Development Financial Institution Fund.

Created By

Developer, Non-Profit

Implement In



Houston, TX