On This Page
Study Summary and Goals
The Northside Livable Centers Study proposes various strategic elements concentrating on neighborhood organization, connectivity, pedestrian and cycling facilities, parks, land use, and urban design guidelines. To foster positive transformation within the community, the study advocates for a range of short, medium, and long-term initiatives. These include:
- Enhancing pedestrian connectivity at the Burnett/North Main Tunnel while implementing enhancements to Burnett Street.
- Supporting endeavors to ensure that existing businesses and residents derive benefits from the new transit service.
- Introducing "Festival Streets" at Fulton and Quitman and identifying optimal locations for a "Better Block" Project.
- Implementing streetscape enhancements along the Hogan/Lorraine corridor.
- Establishing plazas and small open spaces within publicly owned METRO remnant properties along the rail corridor.
- Creating a hike and bike trail along the Little White Oak Bayou, with connections to the neighborhood.
Study Area Map
The study area includes the Northside area in the City of Houston, directly north of Downtown Houston, bounded approximately by 1-10, 1-45, Patton Street, and Elysian Street.
Click for a full size version of this map.
Planning Meetings
Northside Community Workshop 1 Notes
Northside Advisory Committee Meeting 1 Notes
Northside Workshop 1 Presentation
Northside Advisory Committee Meeting 2 Presentation
Local Partners
Greater Northside Management District
Lead Consultant
Van Meter Williams Pollack