Study Summary and Goals

Project goals inlcude:

  • Develop a framework for the development of a mixed-use, multi-modal and unique community that supports its residents, employers and visitors regardless of life-stage, race or income.
  • Provide more transportation choices, especially for modes that are historically underutilized, that improve the overall environment and that are focused on the needs of the community.
  • Encourage the continued development of the Washington Avenue Corridor as a shopping, dining and entertainment destination in a way that respects the needs of area residents.
  • Ensure that community members have increasing and ongoing methods to have their voices heard and have an active role in shaping their community.
  • Focus on implementation, ensuring that the community’s desires become on the ground realities.

Download the Washington Avenue Livable Centers Study.

Study Area Map

The Study Area is adjacent to Downtown Houston and bounded by IH10 to the north, Memorial Parkway to the south, IH45 to the east, and Washington and Westcott to the west.

Click for a larger image.

Local Partners

City of Houston
Better Houston

Lead Consultant

Asakura Robinson