STAR*Map License Agreement

Notice to Purchaser

Please read this license agreement carefully. By using all or any portion of the H-GAC Star*Map, you accept all of the terms and conditions of this agreement, including:

  1. Grant of License. H-GAC hereby grants to Licensee a non-transferable and non-exclusive right to use and reference the Trademarked Materials throughout the term of this license, unless the license should be revoked due to breach of license. The license granted hereunder includes the right of Licensee to develop and use derivations of the Trademarked Materials in the form of printed or plotted paper maps, maps created as a .PDF, or maps placed on websites for both private and public usage.

  2. Authorized Use. Licensee shall be entitled to reproduce and distribute the Trademarked Materials and to permit their use only by (1) employees and officers of the Licensee for the purpose of the direct business or statutory authorized purposes of the Licensee and for no other purpose, and (2) a contractor of a public entity Licensee which is authorized to use the Trademarked Materials solely for a specific project of the Licensee (an “Authorized Contractor”). Licensee shall not reproduce or distribute the Trademarked Materials to any other parties without the prior written consent of the H-GAC.

  3. Authorized Display. H-GAC grants to Licensee the right to display the Trademarked Materials to any web site or web service that is offered for public or private viewing; provided that any public display of the Trademarked Materials shall include the following statement: The Star*Map Data provided is the sole property of Houston-Galveston Area Council, which reserves all rights thereto. Use or reproduction of this data is strictly prohibited absent written consent from the Houston-Galveston Area Council.

  4. This product is for informational purposes and may not have been prepared for or be suitable for legal, engineering, or survey purposes. It does not represent an on-the-ground survey and represents only the approximate relative location of property boundaries. Mapping may not reflect on the ground conditions. The Houston-Galveston Area Council makes no further claims as to the accuracy or reliability of the data, and neither assumes, nor will accept liability for their use. Use or reproduction of this data without acknowledging the Houston-Galveston Area Council as the source is strictly prohibited.

You must accept all the terms of this license agreement to proceed: If you choose to decline, we will not process this order.

Your Contact Information

Please provide us with the following information about yourself and your organization.

All fields are required.

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Billing Information

Please complete the requested billing information.

All fields are required.

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Payment Information

Please complete the requested payment information.

All fields are required.


Please make checks payable to "Houston-Galveston Area Council."

Please include "StarMap - Data Services" in the notation line.

After submitting this form, please mail checks to the following address:

Houston-Galveston Area Council
Attention: H-GAC Data Services GIS
3555 Timmons Lane, Suite 100
Houston, TX 77027

Required Required Credit Card Number must be 16 digits Required CVV must be 3 digits
Required Credit Card Expiration Month must be 2 digits Required Credit Card Expiration Year must be 2 digits

Review Your STAR*Map Order

Please verify your selections and total cost before submitting your order.


H-GAC STAR*Map Shapefile and FGDB format.

Delivery Method

Download link via email.

Purchase Details and Cost

Description Amount