33 Public Comments Submitted

Comment #1, Submitted By Nick Killian



I would like to submit the following comment for the TIP meeting on March 22nd:
HGAC has for too long prioritized vehicular traffic to the detriment of those living in dense urban settings like Houston and many of its suburbs. We cannot continue building more lanes and more miles of roadway and expecting our transportation problems to be solved. The next round of TIP funding must move to reduce the funding given to polluting and unsuccessful roadway projects and move to fund mostly pedestrian, bicyclist, and transit projects.


Thank you for your comment, please see respose from TxDOT.

TxDOT Response: Thank you for your input. The Texas Department of Transportation primary goal is to safely and efficiently move people and goods across all modes of transportation.

Comment #2, Submitted By Michael J. Creedon



Thank you for the presentation and the well organized information and status on projects
I would like for the Council to consider projects in the future that would segregate truck traffic from car traffic associated with the expansions of the Houston port system as well as the Galveston port system. I do not believe that there were any projects in the 23-26 TIP that would accomplish that objective. I envision as these ports continue to grow in the next 5-20 years, that the quantity of truck traffic will also grow considerably. These are good problems to have. HWY 146 at Barbers Cut is a current example of that growth and an example of some of the problems that it can bring (traffic, accidents, emissions). Separating truck and car traffic could produce significant benefits including reduced transit time for goods, less traffic (time lost) / idling emissions in the region, and most certainly less truck-car accidents that typically result in the smaller vehicles losing. There are examples in other States of segregating trucks from car traffic on highways (NJ Turnpike vicinity NYC as just one example) that are viewed as justified improvements. As Houston continues to grow and is competing in size with Chicago, NY and LA, we may want to consider planning now for what will be the significant growth in truck traffic that in general is mostly attempting to simply get in and out of a port and through the city as quickly as possible. Dedicated lanes would certainly assist in their objectives while providing the benefits to the citizens in the area that I briefly outlined above.


Thank you for your comment, please see respose from TxDOT.

TxDOT response: Thank you for your input. The Texas Department of Transportation's primary goal is to move people and goods. We have undertaken a study entitled, The Regional Express Access Lanes Project to develop a REAL Plan that envisions a network of connected, limited access roadways connected via multi-modal hubs. These "REAL" lanes and hubs could operate to move freight more efficiently. The concept is being explored by the region's transportation partners.

Comment #3, Submitted By Debbie McCart



For future projects, please consider adding pedestrian/bike crossovers (fly overs) of Fry Road at Cypress-North Houston and Tuckerton. Many children and senior citizens need to cross Fry Road for school and shopping 9in the Bridgeland/Cypress Ranch/HEB shopping center areas, but the use of Fry Road has increased exponentially with commercial and construction traffic, rendering it unsafe for vulnerable biking and pedestrian citizens.
I am available to share more if you like.
Debbie McCart


Harris County Engineering: Thank you for the comment. Both locations mentioned are presently served by traffic signals using standardized sequencing and timing parameters intended to allow pedestrians of all ages and abilities adequate time to make a safe crossing at Fry Road. We will contact the constituent for more information on the statement suggesting the current intersection operations are unsafe.

Comment #4, Submitted By Dane Dunagin



I am Dane Dunagin, I live at 535 East Hufsmith Rd., Tomball, Tx. I have concerns about the raised medians be proposed between Elm and Pine streets. At a city council meeting it was stated they were a lot of accidents in this area. Has a traffic study been done since the Grand Parkway opened? Secondly has one been done since the center turn lane was added? It was stated the medians would make the crossing of the streets safer. Wouldn’t High intensity activated cross walks be safer? People will still cross the street but use the median as a stopping spot before dashing across the road again. I will look forward to you addressing this.


Thank you for your comment, please see respose from TxDOT.

TxDot response: Thank you for your interest in the FM 2920 project. The Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) is working with the City of Tomball to implement safety and mobility treatments on FM 2920 from BS 249 to Willow Street. These treatments were recommended as part of an access management study completed in 2008. We appreciate your concerns regarding the need to re-evaluate the traffic and safety data in light of land use and transportation changes in the area. TxDOT is performing a new analysis of crash data in the area and will continue to work with the City of Tomball to determine the best course of action for this important project.

Comment #5, Submitted By David Martin



I strongly oppose the present proposal to redo the Main Street of Tomball. You are using data that is 10 years old and before hwy. 99 was opened. Your data for accidents is also incorrect. Since a turning lane was placed at Cherry and 2920 the number of accidents have dropped. There is no need for a median in the middle, it would be better to have a turning lane and pedestrian crosswalk lights.


Thank you for your comment, please see respose from TxDOT.

TxDot response: Thank you for your interest in the FM 2920 project. The Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) is working with the City of Tomball to implement safety and mobility treatments on FM 2920 from BS 249 to Willow Street. These treatments were recommended as part of an access management study completed in 2008. We appreciate your concerns regarding the need to re-evaluate the traffic and safety data in light of land use and transportation changes in the area. TxDOT is performing a new analysis of crash data in the area and will continue to work with the City of Tomball to determine the best course of action for this important project.

Comment #6, Submitted By Stephen Garceau



We request TxDOT revisit the traffic problem identified in the 2015 posting due to:
1. Grand Parkway opened in 2016 and became the new east west corridor from Hwy 290 to Hwy 45. Our heavy truck traffic and accidents decreased because of Hwy 99. The Traffic Analysis needs an update for Hwy 99 and the Tomball Bypass.
2. Medians in our 115 year old Historical Area will negatively impact our small businesses, that we support, and change the feel and culture of the Heart of our Hometown we have worked so hard to create.
3. A compromise is continuing the turn lane TxDOT has graciously built all along FM 2920 in our city limits and install HAWK Pedestrian Traffic Lights at Oak and Elm. When a pedestrian needs to cross the road, a button is pushed and the light goes red to cross. When not needed, it is a blinking yellow which does not impede traffic but slows traffic through this area promoting safety and enabling our small businesses to continue to thrive without medians.


Thank you for your comment, please see respose from TxDOT.

TxDot response: Thank you for your interest in the FM 2920 project. The Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) is working with the City of Tomball to implement safety and mobility treatments on FM 2920 from BS 249 to Willow Street. These treatments were recommended as part of an access management study completed in 2008. We appreciate your concerns regarding the need to re-evaluate the traffic and safety data in light of land use and transportation changes in the area. TxDOT is performing a new analysis of crash data in the area and will continue to work with the City of Tomball to determine the best course of action for this important project.

Comment #7, Submitted By Hannah Hohl



To whom it may concern,
I would kindly like to ask that TXDot revisit the 2015 proposal for FM 2920. The proposal includes constructing medians throughout the 4 block area of downtown Tomball. While this was originally proposed as a solution to a traffic problem 7 years ago, I do not think this is an issue anymore due to the opening of the Grand Parkway Hwy 99 in 2016. The heavy truck traffic that used to cause back-ups and accidents has now decreased. The Traffic Analysis requires an update to include Hwy 99 and the Tomball bypass. As an additional thought, including these medians will also be detrimental to the small business located along this 4 block corridor in downtown Tomball if it makes it more difficult to turn on side streets and find parking.
The turning lane that TXDot has already built along FM 2920 has been a major improvement and has helped traffic flow immensely. An additional idea would be to install more pedestrian crosswalks with pedestrian traffic lights on Oak and Elm St. If it were the kind of traffic light that remained a blinking yellow until pedestrians could push for the light to turn red, this would be an incredible improvement. It would ensure safety of pedestrians crossing the street legally as it slows traffic through the area, as well as enables small businesses to continue to thrive without the medians. Tomball is a city that hosts many festivals as well as the Farmers Market every Saturday. This generates a lot of tourism. On Saturday mornings and festival weekends, there are more pedestrians, so more pedestrian traffic lights are needed.
Thank you so much for your consideration,


Thank you for your comment, please see respose from TxDOT.

TxDot response: Thank you for your interest in the FM 2920 project. The Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) is working with the City of Tomball to implement safety and mobility treatments on FM 2920 from BS 249 to Willow Street. These treatments were recommended as part of an access management study completed in 2008. We appreciate your concerns regarding the need to re-evaluate the traffic and safety data in light of land use and transportation changes in the area. TxDOT is performing a new analysis of crash data in the area and will continue to work with the City of Tomball to determine the best course of action for this important project.

Comment #8, Submitted By John Mottershaw



I am not in favor of putting a center median on the downtown Tomball section of FM-2920.
better options:
Update the Feeder roads on Grand Parkway - 99 ( add full feeders )
Don't change the downtown Tomball FM2920 setup, push the traffic around, so we don't have just one pinch point.
2. Medians in our 115 year old Historical Area will negatively impact our small businesses, that we support, and change the feel and culture of the Heart of our Hometown we have worked so hard to create.


Thank you for your comment, please see respose from TxDOT.

TxDot response: Thank you for your interest in the FM 2920 project. The Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) is working with the City of Tomball to implement safety and mobility treatments on FM 2920 from BS 249 to Willow Street. These treatments were recommended as part of an access management study completed in 2008. We appreciate your concerns regarding the need to re-evaluate the traffic and safety data in light of land use and transportation changes in the area. TxDOT is performing a new analysis of crash data in the area and will continue to work with the City of Tomball to determine the best course of action for this important project.

Comment #9, Submitted By Edmund Petry



View submitted letter


17041: Sponsor can be changed through an amendment after TxDOT and METRO finalize the funding agreement.

18188: Project can be advanced to FY 2025 as a TIP amendment in the next couple of months.

Comment #10, Submitted By Scott Ayres



View comments in PDF document


Thank you for your commment. Project information included in you comments has been updated for final FY 2023-2026 TIP Highway project listing.

Comment #11, Submitted By Kaitlynn Urick



As a citizen of Tomball since 2015 I say the new construction on main street is a BAD idea. Leave it how it is so that the small businesses on that road can continue to thrive. Terrible idea please leave it how it is.


Thank you for your comment, please see respose from TxDOT.

TxDot response: Thank you for your interest in the FM 2920 project. The Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) is working with the City of Tomball to implement safety and mobility treatments on FM 2920 from BS 249 to Willow Street. These treatments were recommended as part of an access management study completed in 2008. We appreciate your concerns regarding the need to re-evaluate the traffic and safety data in light of land use and transportation changes in the area. TxDOT is performing a new analysis of crash data in the area and will continue to work with the City of Tomball to determine the best course of action for this important project.

Comment #12, Submitted By Stephanie Jackson



I'm a resident in Tomball and I'm here to voice my opinion about the medians down fm 2920 and Main st. Medians will ruin small businesses and create more traffic and hazards.
The studies presented in our town hall meeting on Thursday March 31st are 13 and 14 years old. The addition of the 99 toll way and the new Medical complex dr. will alleviate traffic on Main st.
The citizens of Tomball do not want the medians, we are tax payers and we should be heard.


Thank you for your comment, please see respose from TxDOT.

TxDot response: Thank you for your interest in the FM 2920 project. The Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) is working with the City of Tomball to implement safety and mobility treatments on FM 2920 from BS 249 to Willow Street. These treatments were recommended as part of an access management study completed in 2008. We appreciate your concerns regarding the need to re-evaluate the traffic and safety data in light of land use and transportation changes in the area. TxDOT is performing a new analysis of crash data in the area and will continue to work with the City of Tomball to determine the best course of action for this important project.

Comment #13, Submitted By Rhondee Damon



Hello I would like to address the proposed project in Tomball, Texas. The city does need the median. With 2920 being the “Main Street” of the city, it currently cannot handle the construction dimension of the project. Our mayor believes that this project will bring more revenue to the city, that is not the case. If you listen to the majority of the constituents, you would see that the project is not desired either by the commercial or residential areas of Tomball.
I think the current funds proposed for this project would be better spent on I-45.
Please do NOT fund this project!


Thank you for your comment, please see respose from TxDOT.

TxDot response: Thank you for your interest in the FM 2920 project. The Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) is working with the City of Tomball to implement safety and mobility treatments on FM 2920 from BS 249 to Willow Street. These treatments were recommended as part of an access management study completed in 2008. We appreciate your concerns regarding the need to re-evaluate the traffic and safety data in light of land use and transportation changes in the area. TxDOT is performing a new analysis of crash data in the area and will continue to work with the City of Tomball to determine the best course of action for this important project.

Comment #14, Submitted By Angie Johnson



I'd like to comment that this project of building medians along Tomball's Main St will impose on a town's main street that is over 100 years old. I'm asking that you do NOT build medians throughout on Main St. in Tomball. Please consider using the pedestrian cross walks instead.
The safety issue is no longer a factor now that the Grand Parkway has opened up. If safety is an issue, then the study for safety needs to be done again to account for the traffic that now bypasses Tomball via the Grand Parkway. The HAWK pedestrian lights will make Main St. safer than medians being built.
Thank you,


Thank you for your comment, please see respose from TxDOT.

TxDot response: Thank you for your interest in the FM 2920 project. The Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) is working with the City of Tomball to implement safety and mobility treatments on FM 2920 from BS 249 to Willow Street. These treatments were recommended as part of an access management study completed in 2008. We appreciate your concerns regarding the need to re-evaluate the traffic and safety data in light of land use and transportation changes in the area. TxDOT is performing a new analysis of crash data in the area and will continue to work with the City of Tomball to determine the best course of action for this important project.

Comment #15, Submitted By Sam & Latrell Shannon



As concerned citizens of the city of Tomball, Tx for over 66 years, we are writing to express our opposition for the Raised Median Project down to the Main Street (FM 2920) of our beloved town by TXDOT.
Please consider the proposed compromised alternative of installing the HAWK Pedestrian Traffic Lights at the concerned intersections? This has served so well in the already existing areas of town. Very Pedestrian friendly.


Thank you for your comment, please see respose from TxDOT.

TxDot response: Thank you for your interest in the FM 2920 project. The Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) is working with the City of Tomball to implement safety and mobility treatments on FM 2920 from BS 249 to Willow Street. These treatments were recommended as part of an access management study completed in 2008. We appreciate your concerns regarding the need to re-evaluate the traffic and safety data in light of land use and transportation changes in the area. TxDOT is performing a new analysis of crash data in the area and will continue to work with the City of Tomball to determine the best course of action for this important project.

Comment #16, Submitted By Melanie Dover



I am very disappointed that presenters at last nights meeting were not up to date on traffic on Main St, 2920. Data was from study done in 2009. The median as proposed is going to impede traffic, cause issues rather than relieve congestion. I am totally against blocking streets in the historic district. We are a small town without the issues of large cities that we have been compared to. Turn lanes with median is the way to go. The streets that are proposed to be blocked are residential streets. This median as proposed will do nothing but cause accidents, people will be doing U Turns in a small area. Please che k your records for vehicle accidents in the historic 4-6 blocks of Tomball. The historic district is being compared to the 45 mile speed zones outside of downtown.


Thank you for your comment, please see respose from TxDOT.

TxDot response: Thank you for your interest in the FM 2920 project. The Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) is working with the City of Tomball to implement safety and mobility treatments on FM 2920 from BS 249 to Willow Street. These treatments were recommended as part of an access management study completed in 2008. We appreciate your concerns regarding the need to re-evaluate the traffic and safety data in light of land use and transportation changes in the area. TxDOT is performing a new analysis of crash data in the area and will continue to work with the City of Tomball to determine the best course of action for this important project.

Comment #17, Submitted By Becky Nelson



For the following reasons, I would like to register my opposition to Project #17085 in Old Town Tomball.
1. A potentially 2+ year long construction project through Main Street would necessarily put a tremendous burden on the small 2 lane feeder streets off Main Street that don’t even have shoulders. Talk about accidents! Plus it would tear up these streets, resulting in needed repairs to them in addition to causing severe congestion during rush hours. Has TXDOT done a study on how this might cause “increased” accidents on those streets due to the traffic they will bear?
2. It would very probably result in many of our small downtown businesses losing business and closing, never to reopen. And it would most probably cause a huge reduction to shoppers at our Farmers Market and cause many of the vendors to go somewhere else.
3. Hundreds of Tomball citizens do NOT want a “Signature City.” They want a “genuine” Old Town, which is why they live here. Yes we need sidewalk repairs and better drainage, but we don’t need or want an entire revamping of the look and feel of Old Town.
4. Driving through Old Town daily during all times of day, I can attest to the fact that traffic is NOT a problem since 99 and the center turn lanes were put in. Has TXDOT done an analysis “since” both of those things were implemented??
5. If accidents going through Old Town are such a problem (which I really don’t see now) it would be much more cost effective for you, and us, to just implement HAWK pedestrian lights. THAT, in my opinion, is the better solution.
Thank you,


Thank you for your comment, please see respose from TxDOT.

TxDot response: Thank you for your interest in the FM 2920 project. The Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) is working with the City of Tomball to implement safety and mobility treatments on FM 2920 from BS 249 to Willow Street. These treatments were recommended as part of an access management study completed in 2008. We appreciate your concerns regarding the need to re-evaluate the traffic and safety data in light of land use and transportation changes in the area. TxDOT is performing a new analysis of crash data in the area and will continue to work with the City of Tomball to determine the best course of action for this important project.

Comment #18, Submitted By Pamela Kaiser



I request TXDOT to revisit the proposal for FM 2920. I feel the proposal will be detrimental to the businesses and the City of Tomball.
1. Grand Parkway opened in 2016 and became the new east west corridor from Hwy 290 to Hwy 45. Our heavy truck traffic and accidents decreased because of Hwy 99. The Traffic Analysis needs an update for Hwy 99 and the Tomball Bypass.
2. Medians in our 115 year old Historical Area will negatively impact our small businesses, that we support, and change the feel and culture of the Heart of our Hometown we have worked so hard to create. There will be no place for pedestrians to walk safely. Some businesses use the sidewalks to display their goods and other businesses set out chairs and tables for the patrons to use. This space will be taken away from the businesses and patrons.
3. A compromise is continuing the turn lane TxDOT has graciously built all along FM 2920 in our city limit and install HAWK Pedestrian Traffic lights at Oak and Elm. When a pedestrian needs to cross the road, a button is pushed and the light goes red to cross. When not needed, it is a blinking yellow which does not impede traffic but slows traffic through this area promoting safety and enabling our small businesses to continue to thrive without medians. For these reasons we should not install medians on Main Street in Tomball, Texas.


Thank you for your comment, please see respose from TxDOT.

TxDot response: Thank you for your interest in the FM 2920 project. The Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) is working with the City of Tomball to implement safety and mobility treatments on FM 2920 from BS 249 to Willow Street. These treatments were recommended as part of an access management study completed in 2008. We appreciate your concerns regarding the need to re-evaluate the traffic and safety data in light of land use and transportation changes in the area. TxDOT is performing a new analysis of crash data in the area and will continue to work with the City of Tomball to determine the best course of action for this important project.

Comment #19, Submitted By BETTY RUSSELL



email subject: Old Town medians, Comment: Please, No!


Thank you for your comment, please see respose from TxDOT.

TxDot response: Thank you for your interest in the FM 2920 project. The Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) is working with the City of Tomball to implement safety and mobility treatments on FM 2920 from BS 249 to Willow Street. These treatments were recommended as part of an access management study completed in 2008. We appreciate your concerns regarding the need to re-evaluate the traffic and safety data in light of land use and transportation changes in the area. TxDOT is performing a new analysis of crash data in the area and will continue to work with the City of Tomball to determine the best course of action for this important project.

Comment #20, Submitted By Lori Klein Quinn



My name is Lori Klein Quinn and I am on city council in Tomball. I along with 200 citizens at a town meeting strongly object to medians being put down in our 4 block area of our 115 historical old town. We have worked hard to create an area of small business, festivals, parades, and activities in this Heart of our Hometown. Medians would destroy this. Also your traffic studies identifying this 4 block area as a high crash area are based on 2009-2013 data and did not take into account the opening of the Grand Parkway in 2016 that became the east west corridor between 290 and 45 not fm2920.
Continuing the turn lane , TXDOT is building on the rest of 2920 in Tomball is what the citizens want , with the addition of 2 HAWK pedestrian traffic lights OR 2 more stop lights that are synchronized all the way from FM249 to elm .
Please respond this is received and what the next step is to continue stopping the destruction of our 4 block Historical old town.


Thank you for your comment, please see respose from TxDOT.

TxDot response: Thank you for your interest in the FM 2920 project. The Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) is working with the City of Tomball to implement safety and mobility treatments on FM 2920 from BS 249 to Willow Street. These treatments were recommended as part of an access management study completed in 2008. We appreciate your concerns regarding the need to re-evaluate the traffic and safety data in light of land use and transportation changes in the area. TxDOT is performing a new analysis of crash data in the area and will continue to work with the City of Tomball to determine the best course of action for this important project.

Comment #21, Submitted By Lisa Covington



My name is Lisa Covington, and I am a resident of Tomball, Texas. Specifically, I live at 31202 Antonia Ln., Tomball, TX 77375. My family and I moved to Tomball from Spring in 1979 when I was six years old. Tomball was the most wonderful in town which to grow up and go to school. We never had to lock our doors. I rode my bike freely throughout town. Even today doors don't need to be locked, and I walk my dog for miles and miles through the streets and sidewalks of this wonderful Hometown with a Heart.
I have recently been made aware that TXDot intends to make significant changes to our Main Street, which is Highway 2920. These changes are known as Project number 17085. I will NEVER refer to these as improvements, because many of them are the opposite of improvements.
Last night I attended the Tomball townhall meeting on these changes. During this meeting, Catherine McCreight with TXDot made a lengthy presentation on these changes. I listened intently, heard every word she said, read every slide and took many notes. After hearing TXDot's plan for Tomball, I am horrified for the future of our town. As Ms. McCreight admitted in her own words, the purposes of the raised medians are to "control" and "restrict" motor and pedestrian traffic. We do not need or want to be controlled by TXDot. She immediately compared Tomball's Main Street to Hwy 6 South, Highway 1960 and Westheimer. Tomball does not EVER want to be those roads. Tomball is not the areas in which these roads exist. And, everyone knows TXDot ruined all of those roads and killed the small businesses in those areas. Ms. McCreight's arguments that the construction on these roads was a success is based on biased and incorrect factors. She claims what happened to those roads was a success because the business receipts did not decrease. This is a skewed statistic, because it is combining the receipts of large box stores like Walmart, Target, HEB and Best Buy with the receipts of small businesses. I know if the receipts of individually owned, small businesses were analyzed they would have decreased drastically. Further, she provided no actual statistics on the changes in traffic accidents or pedestrian fatalities.
Further, the statistics used by Ms. McCreight for Tomball were outdated and overly general. She claimed that Hwy 2920 is a main East/West arterial road. This is completely false now that Hwy 99 (The Grand Parkway) opened in 2016. The heavy truck traffic in Tomball has significantly decreased since the opening of Hwy 99. We respectfully request TXDOT to reperform the traffic study and analysis upon which these changes are based. The statistics being used are overly general, because they are based on the 32 mile area between Interstate 45 and Hwy 290. Tomball is the ONLY 115 year old historical area in this entire study area. So, statistics that lump Tomball in with the other towns in this area are irrelevant. Further, she repeatedly stated that we had to implement these changes to decrease traffic accidents (specifically, head-on collisions) and pedestrian fatalities. I know from my own research that Tomball has had ONE pedestrian fatality at Alma, which is a poorly designed intersection that will not be changed by the proposed construction. Further, Ms. McCreight refused to provide any actual traffic accident statistics. When pressed for such statistics by the residents she admitted she doesn't have them. But yet she is perfectly happy to force us to accept construction we don't want based on a traffic accident argument.
TXDot proposes to install a long, huge raised median that will encompass all of Tomball's historic Main Street. This will make Main Street completely unnavigable for either cars or pedestrians. The lack of mobility through the town will severely damage and likely ruin most of the small businesses on Main Street. People will stop coming to Tomball. Further, it will ruin the look, feel and charm of Main Street. It will turn Main Street into Westheimer or 1960. We do not want that!!!!!
An additional problem with the medians is it will force emergency vehicles to drive down very narrow residential streets. These streets are not large enough to accommodate the emergency vehicle traffic that will result. Residents will have an enormous amount of additional traffic in front of their houses. This will result in an enormous increase in pedestrian accidents and will drastically reduce property values. When asked if TXDot has considered the impact on the streets immediately adjacent to Main Street, Ms. McCreight bluntly answered, "No". I realize this is because TXDot only "owns" Hwy 2920. However, TXDot has a fiduciary duty to consider the full and overall impact their proposed construction will have on the entire area, and not just the one road that is currently in their crosshairs.
We request TXDot to consider installing turns lanes in the historic Main Street area and HAWK Pedestrian Traffic Lights at Oak and Elm as an alternative to the raised medians. This will satisfy the safety goals of which Ms. McCreight repeatedly spoke. Raised medians are NOT the only answer, but they appear to be the only answer TXDot will consider.
I realize the grant passed in 2015 currently sites raised medians. However, this grant can and should be amended. Ms. McCreight made blatant threats to the citizens of Tomball and Tomball's management by saying that it we don't agree to the raised medians then the grant would be cancelled. The actually stated that the grant would likely be cancelled, because changing raised medians to turn lanes and pedestrian traffic lights would constitute a material change to the grant. This is absolutely ridiculous. It is shameful that a TXDot representative would bully the city of Tomball and make such threats. It is our town. We have a right to not be bullied and steamrolled into becoming something that we don't want to be.
I trust that TXDot really does want to do the right thing and will seriously take into consideration the desires of the residents of Tomball. This involves reconsidering the raised medians and fully analyzing other alternatives. I do not want to believe that TXDot really is such a bully and really will come ruin our town when that is not what we want.
I can be contacted at 281-799-1808 at any time or via email at LCovington926@yahoo.com


Thank you for your comment, please see respose from TxDOT.

TxDot response: Thank you for your interest in the FM 2920 project. The Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) is working with the City of Tomball to implement safety and mobility treatments on FM 2920 from BS 249 to Willow Street. These treatments were recommended as part of an access management study completed in 2008. We appreciate your concerns regarding the need to re-evaluate the traffic and safety data in light of land use and transportation changes in the area. TxDOT is performing a new analysis of crash data in the area and will continue to work with the City of Tomball to determine the best course of action for this important project.

Comment #22, Submitted By Randall Loving



I am against the portion of the above project in regards to implementing medians on Hwy 2920 in Old Town Tomball
1) Since the opening of toll road 99, and left turn lanes being added on Hwy 2820, automobile accidents have been reduced drastically.
2) Tearing up highway 2920 to but in medians will cause Old Town Tomball businesses to be impacted financially, causing many to go out of business.
3) Side streets will be damaged because of the construction, and traffic will become a nightmare. (for 3 years)
There is no doubt that the sidewalks and drainage along highway 2920 need to be improved, but cutting down old oak trees to put in an esplanade just isn't necessary.


Thank you for your comment, please see respose from TxDOT.

TxDot response: Thank you for your interest in the FM 2920 project. The Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) is working with the City of Tomball to implement safety and mobility treatments on FM 2920 from BS 249 to Willow Street. These treatments were recommended as part of an access management study completed in 2008. We appreciate your concerns regarding the need to re-evaluate the traffic and safety data in light of land use and transportation changes in the area. TxDOT is performing a new analysis of crash data in the area and will continue to work with the City of Tomball to determine the best course of action for this important project.

Comment #23, Submitted By Sandy Shaver



I would like to request TXDOT project #17085 to revisit Traffic Analysis from 2015 updating HWY 99 and Tomball bypass. Also revisit the installing of medians thru our "old historic beautiful town" as it will definitely impact ALL the business on Main street that we all support including visitors. It will change the culture of our special town and we don't want that to happen. We also need more Hawk Pedestrian Lights especially down to Railroad tracks where the parking is located .Also the traffic needs to be reassessed in front of Tomball Intermediate school as one lane is being used for picking up the kids by parents and leaving one lane of actual traffic. We need to keep them safe. We very much appreciate the help in assessing our Utilities and sidewalks for keeping our community and visitors, even from other countries safe. BUT no medians please


Thank you for your comment, please see respose from TxDOT.

TxDot response: Thank you for your interest in the FM 2920 project. The Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) is working with the City of Tomball to implement safety and mobility treatments on FM 2920 from BS 249 to Willow Street. These treatments were recommended as part of an access management study completed in 2008. We appreciate your concerns regarding the need to re-evaluate the traffic and safety data in light of land use and transportation changes in the area. TxDOT is performing a new analysis of crash data in the area and will continue to work with the City of Tomball to determine the best course of action for this important project.

Comment #24, Submitted By Janice Glameyer



The proposed plan for Main Street calls for medians from Cherry Street to Elm Street. There will be no turning lanes so you will not be able to turn left in this area, not even at Elm.
Harris County, City of Tomball
SAFETY: The statistics used in determining the plan are NOT current. The data was collected before HWY 99 (Grand Parkway) was completed as well as prior to a left turn signal at Cherry Street, both have reduced the number of auto accidents.
Why not use turning lanes and pedestrian buttons that stop traffic and signal “WALK” or “DO NOT WALK” (HAWK SIGNALS)?
AESTHETICS: The plan does not consider the preservation of the oldest historic section of Tomball, dating to the turn of the century NOR does it consider the disruption of the traditional annual parade.
I oppose these changes to Tomball Main Street.


Thank you for your comment, please see respose from TxDOT.

TxDot response: Thank you for your interest in the FM 2920 project. The Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) is working with the City of Tomball to implement safety and mobility treatments on FM 2920 from BS 249 to Willow Street. These treatments were recommended as part of an access management study completed in 2008. We appreciate your concerns regarding the need to re-evaluate the traffic and safety data in light of land use and transportation changes in the area. TxDOT is performing a new analysis of crash data in the area and will continue to work with the City of Tomball to determine the best course of action for this important project.

Comment #25, Submitted By Marlisa Briggs



View submitted letter


Thank you for your comment.

Comment #26, Submitted By Kristi Neal 



Thank you for receiving comments and opinions from Tomball residents. I moved to Tomball specifically for its small town vibe, community spirit, a slower pace, and space to breathe.
I am pleased with the newly installed concrete medians that I am seeing on 2920 running east of fm 2978. However please please please revisit any thought of taking that same structure to the Downtown Tomball area. What works in one part of a very busy road like FM 2920 may improve one issue like safety but it would negatively impact the culture that we are nurturing in Tomball. What Tomball needs are sidewalks not medians. We are losing our small towns and to have such a treasure here in Tomball- it’s just that – a treasure. I can see how the concrete medians would help west of FM 249. Just please be careful with the downtown street overhaul provisions.
A compromise is continuing the turn lane TXDot has graciously built all along FM 2920 in our city limits and install HAWK Pedestrian Traffic Lights at Oak and Elm. When a pedestrian needs to cross the road, a button is pushed and the light goes red to cross. When not needed, it is a blinking yellow which does not impede traffic but slows traffic through this area promoting safety and enabling our small businesses to continue to thrive without medians. Parts of Congress Street in Austin has this method and walkers and drivers thrive.


Thank you for your comment, please see respose from TxDOT.

TxDot response: Thank you for your interest in the FM 2920 project. The Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) is working with the City of Tomball to implement safety and mobility treatments on FM 2920 from BS 249 to Willow Street. These treatments were recommended as part of an access management study completed in 2008. We appreciate your concerns regarding the need to re-evaluate the traffic and safety data in light of land use and transportation changes in the area. TxDOT is performing a new analysis of crash data in the area and will continue to work with the City of Tomball to determine the best course of action for this important project.

Comment #27, Submitted By Allie First



please reconsider the project number 17085 in regard to TXDOT putting in medians on 2920 main street of tomball. Do not feel it is necessary for those to go in, as there are not many accidents. Please revisit what txdot has planned for us to do in 2015. please revisit and see if we could compromise on this with a different approach.


Thank you for your comment, please see respose from TxDOT.

TxDot response: Thank you for your interest in the FM 2920 project. The Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) is working with the City of Tomball to implement safety and mobility treatments on FM 2920 from BS 249 to Willow Street. These treatments were recommended as part of an access management study completed in 2008. We appreciate your concerns regarding the need to re-evaluate the traffic and safety data in light of land use and transportation changes in the area. TxDOT is performing a new analysis of crash data in the area and will continue to work with the City of Tomball to determine the best course of action for this important project.

Comment #28, Submitted By David Quinn



17085- for Tomball and 2920. Strongly object to medians in the historical 4 block area of Tomball. Grand parkway opened in 2016, your traffic study ended in 2013, accidents have decreased, we would rather have turn lanes and hooks for pedestrians, or more stoplights. do not destroy our small town businesses with medians.


Thank you for your comment, please see respose from TxDOT.

TxDot response: Thank you for your interest in the FM 2920 project. The Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) is working with the City of Tomball to implement safety and mobility treatments on FM 2920 from BS 249 to Willow Street. These treatments were recommended as part of an access management study completed in 2008. We appreciate your concerns regarding the need to re-evaluate the traffic and safety data in light of land use and transportation changes in the area. TxDOT is performing a new analysis of crash data in the area and will continue to work with the City of Tomball to determine the best course of action for this important project.

Comment #29, Submitted By Helen Birchfield



Voicing my opiinon that we do not need this project to go through. We have never had a problem getting up and down main street, but we will have a problem when this project gets through. We don’t need 16 foot sidewalks, we need our town to stay the way it is.


Thank you for your comment, please see respose from TxDOT.

TxDot response: Thank you for your interest in the FM 2920 project. The Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) is working with the City of Tomball to implement safety and mobility treatments on FM 2920 from BS 249 to Willow Street. These treatments were recommended as part of an access management study completed in 2008. We appreciate your concerns regarding the need to re-evaluate the traffic and safety data in light of land use and transportation changes in the area. TxDOT is performing a new analysis of crash data in the area and will continue to work with the City of Tomball to determine the best course of action for this important project.

Comment #30, Submitted By Becky Nelson



Would like to register my opposition to project 17085. Completely opposed to it as well as hundreds of other citizens in Tomball.


Thank you for your comment, please see respose from TxDOT.

TxDot response: Thank you for your interest in the FM 2920 project. The Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) is working with the City of Tomball to implement safety and mobility treatments on FM 2920 from BS 249 to Willow Street. These treatments were recommended as part of an access management study completed in 2008. We appreciate your concerns regarding the need to re-evaluate the traffic and safety data in light of land use and transportation changes in the area. TxDOT is performing a new analysis of crash data in the area and will continue to work with the City of Tomball to determine the best course of action for this important project.

Comment #31, Submitted By Jane Scott



Calling about the posting in 2015 about placing medians in the 2920, which is Tomball's main street. I feel it is very detrimental to the city and the people if they are there. I don’t think its necessary since the 99 has open which has devised an efficient way for traffic to move from 29 over to 45 to avoid coming into the small town. We value the small town feeling, and having medians would make it difficult to keep the feeling. It would also be difficult for the small buisinesses that line the main street. Placing the medians would probably cause many of them to lose a great deal of business and maybe go out of business which would be unkind and detrimental to them. I like the turn lanes that are there now, and if a hawk light could be added especially close to the railroad, that would be very good, especially for during festivals. I think the medians would be detrimental to the town.


Thank you for your comment, please see respose from TxDOT.

TxDot response: Thank you for your interest in the FM 2920 project. The Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) is working with the City of Tomball to implement safety and mobility treatments on FM 2920 from BS 249 to Willow Street. These treatments were recommended as part of an access management study completed in 2008. We appreciate your concerns regarding the need to re-evaluate the traffic and safety data in light of land use and transportation changes in the area. TxDOT is performing a new analysis of crash data in the area and will continue to work with the City of Tomball to determine the best course of action for this important project.

Comment #32, Submitted By Lori Quinn



Comment for project 17085, 2920 to Willow, Tomball. TXDOT please revisit the traffic problem identified in 2015 posting, due to the fact that Grand Parkway opened in 2016, and became the new east west corridor from 290 to 45. Heavy truck traffic and accident decreased because of this. Traffic analysis needs updating for highway 99 and the tomball bypass, it has used data from 09 to 13, and did not take into account the grand parkway or the bypass. The median in downtown would negatively impact our small businesses and change the feel and culture of our hometown that we worked to create. To compromise, continuing the turn lanes that TXDOT has built, and installing hawks on oak and elm, which flash red, instead of yellow which just slows traffic instead of stopping it for pedestrians.


Thank you for your comment, please see respose from TxDOT.

TxDot response: Thank you for your interest in the FM 2920 project. The Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) is working with the City of Tomball to implement safety and mobility treatments on FM 2920 from BS 249 to Willow Street. These treatments were recommended as part of an access management study completed in 2008. We appreciate your concerns regarding the need to re-evaluate the traffic and safety data in light of land use and transportation changes in the area. TxDOT is performing a new analysis of crash data in the area and will continue to work with the City of Tomball to determine the best course of action for this important project.

Comment #33, Submitted By N/A



Would like a call back. I would like help finding where online the proposed project for Tomball main street is. It is project 17085. The website times out.


Thank you for you interest in FY 2023-2026 TIP. H-GAC staff will reach out to you.