Benefits of Performance Management

Implementing performance targets setting, along with asset management, provides:

  • More opportunities to assess the region's assets for moving the transportation system to a state of good repair.
  • An improvement of transportation system performance resulting in more reliable and less congested roadways, resulting in better air quality for the region.
  • Provides protection for investments in the transportation roadway system and stretches taxpayer dollars, as far as possible.
  • An improvement of system resiliency in the aftermath of extreme weather events, such as Hurricanes Harvey and Ike, changing climate conditions, and shifts in the regional economy.
  • Protects and improves safety for passengers and employees of the public transportation system by implementing safety management systems.

About the 2024 System Performance Scorecards

For each of the performance areas, the progress achieved towards meeting the targets are detailed in the tables below. For all measures, the Actuals are based on the best available data, at the time of reporting. There is a one-year lag due to data verifications by TxDOT and USDOT, therefore, the conditions reported may contain the previous year data sets.

A public comment period for the 2024 Scorecards Performance Report was held from July 19, 2024 to August 18, 2024.

Transportation Performance Measure Scorecards

About the Scorecards

For each of the performance areas, the progress achieved towards meeting the targets are detailed in the tables below.

For all measures, the Actuals are based on the best available data, at the time of reporting. There is a one-year lag due to data verifications by TxDOT and USDOT, therefore, the conditions reported may contain the previous year data sets.

Safety Targets

The Transportation Policy Council (TPC) approved Resolution 2019-05 to support the State’s effort to achieve its safety performance measure targets. Supporting the State’s efforts includes using the same or similar methodology to set these targets. The State methodology uses a five-year rolling average to set the targets for the State safety performance measures. In 2020, the TPC approved a Vision Zero policy by Resolution 2020-26 committing to support transportation projects and programs to eliminate traffic fatalities in the region by the year 2050.

The trends in fatalities and crashes do not reflect the intent and commitment of the TPC to improve traffic safety in the Houston-Galveston region and significantly reduce fatalities and serious injuries.

H-GAC has committed to participate in advancing crash reduction strategies measures through the Regional Safety Plan and will annually assess progress on safety performance measures.

Safety Performance Scorecard
Performance Targets and Actuals by Year
    2022 2023 2024
Measure Desired Trend Targets Actuals Targets Achieved? Targets Actuals Targets Achieved? Targets
Fatalities   697 839 No 727 779 No 765
Fatalities Rate   1.05 1.41 No 1.23 1.13 Yes 1.26
Serious Injuries   3,424 4,264 No 3,668 4,239 No 3,911
Serious Injuries Rate   5.15 7.17 No 6.18 6.13 Yes 6.42
Non-motorized Fatalities and Serious Injuries   667 806 No 713 883 No 764

Actuals based on TxDOT CRIS data as of January 2024; 2023 and 2024 Fatality Rates and Serious Injury Rates based on projected Annual VMT. Targets are projected trends and do not reflect the aspirational goals of the Transportation Policy Council to significantly reduce fatalities and serious injuries.

Pavement & Bridge Conditions Scorecard
Performance Targets and Actuals by Year
Performance Measure 2022 Targets/Actuals 2022 Targets Achieved Desired Trend 2024 Targets 2026 Targets
Interstate pavement in good condition 42.1%/44.6% Yes   45.7% 45.7%
Interstate pavement in fair condition 57.8%/55.3% Yes   54.2% 54.2%
Interstate pavement in poor condition 0.1%/0.1% Yes   0.1% 0.1%
Non-Interstate NHS pavement in good condition 34.4%/38.3% Yes   34.7% 34.7%
Non-Interstate NHS pavement in fair condition 40.8%/40.2% Yes   62.0% 62.0%
Non-Interstate NHS pavement in poor condition 24.8%/21.5% Yes   3.2% 3.2%
National Highway System bridge deck area in good condition 49.1%/48.5% No   49.9% 49.9%
National Highway System bridge deck area in fair condition 49.7%/50.2% No   48.8% 48.8%
National Highway System bridge deck area in poor condition 1.2%/1.3% No   1.3% 1.3%

For Non-Interstate National Highway System (NHS) pavement measures, the 2022 the condition calculation was based on only one condition rating, the International Roughness Index (IRI). For 2024 and 2026, the condition calculation was changed to three ratings, the IRI, Cracking, and Rutting or Faulting (based on the pavement types of asphalt concrete, jointed concrete, and continuously reinforced concrete pavement). This explains the noticeable difference between the Non-Interstate pavement targets in Fair condition in 2022 of 40.8% and in 2024 of 62.0%.

Reliability & Congestion Scorecard
Performance Targets and Actuals by Year
Measure Desired Trend 2022 2024 2026
    Targets/Actuals Targets Achieved? Targets/Actuals Target Achieved? Targets Target Adjustment
Interstate Reliability of Person Miles Traveled   69%/79% Yes 70%/70% Yes 71% No adjustment recommended
Non-Interstate Reliability of Person Miles Traveled   80%/89% Yes 75%/81% Yes 77% No adjustment recommended
(An increased value indicates improvement.)
Interstate Truck Travel Time Reliability Index   2.2/1.9 Yes 2.2/2.0 Yes 2.2 No adjustment recommended
Peak Hour Excessive Delay - Houston Urban Area   14.0/13.5 Yes 16.0/15.5 Yes 16.0 17.0
Peak Hour Excessive Delay - Conroe-The Woodlands Urban Area   NA/8.1 Not applicable 8.0/9.0 No 8.0 No adjustment recommended
(A decreased value indicates improvement.)
Non-Single Occupant Vehicle Trips - Houston Urban Area   20.0%/21.1% Yes 21.1%/25.3% Yes 22.0% 27.0%
Non-Single Occupant Vehicle Trips - Conroe-The Woodlands Urban Area   NA/19.7% Not applicable 20.0%/22.9% Yes 20.0% 24.0%
(An increased value indicates improvement.)
Congestion Mitigation Air Quality Scorecard
Performance Targets and Actuals by Year
Measure Desired Trend 2022 2024 2026
    Targets/Actuals Targets Achieved? Targets/Actuals Target Achieved? Targets Target Adjustment
Emission Reductions of NOx (kg/day)   1,429.077/1,383.040 No 221.251/19.964 No 601.465 No adjustment recommended
Emission Reductions of VOC (kg/day)   234.604/98.863 No 69.939/4.325 No 172.864 No adjustment recommended

An increased value indicates improvement.

On-Road Mobile Source Emission Reductions:
Nitrogen Oxides (NOx)
Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC)

Transit Asset Management Scorecard
Performance Targets and Actuals by Year
Asset Category Desired Trend 2018 2020 2022 2024 2026
    Baseline Targets/Actuals Targets Achieved? Targets/Actuals Target Achieved? Targets Targets
Rolling Stock (revenue vehicles)   11% 11%/10% Yes 10%/10% Yes 10% 10%
Equipment (non-revenue vehicles)   46% 46%/46% Yes 46%/46% Yes 46% 46%
Facilities (buildings and structures)   55% 55%/55% Yes 54%/45% Yes 45% 45%
Infrastructure (rail tracks, signals & systems)   0% 0%/0% Yes 0%/0% Yes 0% 0%
(A lower percentage indicates better conditions of the transit assets.)
Public Transportation Agency Safety Plan Scorecard
Performance Targets and Actuals by Mode and Year
Tier I Transit Agencies (METRO and Island Transit)*
Rates Per 100,000 Vehicle Revenue Miles Mode Desired Trend 2021 Targets 2021 Actuals 2021 Targets Achieved? 2023 Targets
Fatalities Bus   0 4 No 0
Fatalities Rate   0 0.008 No 0
Injuries   194 203 No 175
Injuries Rate   0.258 0.426 No 0.425
Safety Events   136 265 No 136
Safety Events Rate   0.258 0.556 No 0.33
Mean Distance Between Failures   10,084 7,503 No 6,750
Fatalities Paratransit   0 0 Yes 0
Fatalities Rate   0 0 Yes 0
Injuries   35 41 No 35
Injuries Rate   0.174 0.258 No 0.174
Safety Events   39 32 Yes 39
Safety Events Rate   0.19 0.202 No 0.289
Mean Distance Between Failures   22,039 25,346 Yes 21,000
Fatalities Rail   0 1 No 0
Fatalities Rate   0 0.032 No 0
Injuries   50 32 Yes 45
Injuries Rate   1.466 1.035 Yes 1.886
Safety Events   121 81 Yes 100
Safety Events Rate   3.51 2.62 Yes 4.715
Mean Distance Between Failures   9,292 17,975 Yes 15,000
Fatalities Bus Rapid Transit**   N/A** 0 N/A** 0
Fatalities Rate   N/A** 0 N/A** 0
Injuries   N/A** 1 N/A** 10
Injuries Rate   N/A** 0.67 N/A** 2.651
Safety Events   N/A** 2 N/A** 10
Safety Events Rate   N/A** 1.339 N/A** 2.651
Mean Distance Between Failures   N/A** 5,417 N/A** 4,000

*Tier I public transportation providers operate a rail fixed guideway transportation system or have 101 or more vehicles in revenue service during peak regular service.

** Bus Rapid Transit service began in August 2020, therefore, there was insufficient data to calculate a 5-year rate.

Performance Targets and Actuals by Mode and Year
Tier II Transit Agencies*
Rates Per Vehicle Revenue Miles Mode Desired Trend 2021 Targets 2021 Actuals 2021 Targets Achieved? 2023 Targets
Fatalities Fixed Route   0 0 Yes 0
Fatalities Rate   0 0 Yes 0
Injuries   .049 0 Yes 10
Injuries Rate   0.0000008 0 Yes 2.651
Safety Events   0.82 0.04 Yes 10
Safety Events Rate   0.000002 0.0000018 Yes 2.651
Mean Distance Between Failures   82,544 - - 4,000
Fatalities Demand Response   0 0 Yes 0
Fatalities Rate   0 0 Yes 0
Injuries   1.34 3.58 No 1.68
Injuries Rate   0.0000013 0.0000044 No 0.0000015
Safety Events   1.53 1.8 No 1.9
Safety Events Rate   0.0000015 0.0000026 Yes 0.0000020
Mean Distance Between Failures   386,106 - - 288,488

*Tier II small public transportation providers have 100 or fewer vehicles in revenue service during peak regular service and do not operate a rail fixed guideway transportation system.