Meeting Information

Date and Time

Friday, February 28, 2025
9:30 AM

Meeting Agenda

  1. Certification of Quorum

  2. Introductions

  3. Declare Conflicts of Interest

  4. ​Public Comments on Agenda Items
    Members of the public will have 3 minutes each to comment on Agenda Items

  5. MPO Director Report and Orientation to Agenda

    1. Planning Activities Report

    2. H-GAC Board Update

    3. TDC Workshop

  6. Consent Agenda
    Action Requested

    1. Request approval of January 24, 2025, Meeting Minutes Summary
      (Staff contact: TPC Secretary Lesley Briones)

    2. Request approval of TPC Nominating Committee Recommendations to the TPC
      (Contact: Mayor Joe Zimmerman)

  7. 2025-2028 Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) Amendments
    Action Requested
    Staff will request TPC approval of additional TIP Amendments
    (Staff Contact: Jim Dickinson)

  8. Quarterly TIP Status Report
    Information Only
    Staff will give an update on project Development/Delivery status of all TIP Projects, including Carry Over Spend Down projects
    (Staff Contact: Callie Barnes)

  9. 10-Year Financial Outlook: Balances Summary
    Information Only
    Staff will provide an overview of future funding projections
    (Staff Contact: Vishu Lingala)

  10. Project Selection Process List
    Action Requested
    Staff will request approval of the Project Selection Process List
    (Staff Contact: Vishu Lingala)

  11. Pelican Island Bridge
    Information Only
    City of Galveston and TxDOT Houston District will provide an overview of the funding status and infrastructure situation of Pelican Island Bridge
    (Contact: Councilmember Marie Robb, City of Galveston)

  12. Safety Performance Measures
    Action Requested
    Staff will request approval of FHWA Safety Performance Measures, including proposed targets
    (Staff Contact: Stephen Keen)

  13. 2050 Regional Transportation Plan Update
    Information Only
    Staff will give an update on the 2050 Update
    (Staff Contact: Stephen Keen)

  14. Old Sixth Ward/TIRZ 13 Mobility Plan, Phase II
    Information Only
    Staff will present the Old Sixth Ward/TIRZ 13 Mobility Plan
    (Staff Contact: Caroline Bailey)

  15. Metropolitan Planning Organization Director Recruitment
    Information Only
    Staff will provide an update on the status of the MPO Director position
    (Staff Contact: Chuck Wemple and Teri Ramsey)

  16. Future Amendments to the 2025-2028 Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) Amendments
    Information Only

    1. Staff will provide an update on the Future 2025-2028 TIP Amendments that will be brought for action at next month's TPC meeting.
      (Staff contact: Jim Dickinson)

    2. 2025-2028 Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) Administrative Amendments
      Staff will preview 2025-2028 TIP Administrative Amendments
      (Contact: Jim Dickinson)


Event Date Time Location
Transportation Advisory Committee Meeting March 19 9:30 a.m. In-Person
Regional Air Quality Planning Advisory Committee Meeting March 27 10:00 a.m. Virtual
Transportation Policy Council March 28 9:30 a.m. In-Person


The meeting will be conducted in English. However, requests for language interpreters or other special communication needs may be made at least two working days prior to the meeting. Requests from persons needing special accommodations should call 713-993-4516 for assistance.